4 minute read
Retail Yard of The Pacific Lumber Company at Scotia is Real Up-to-date Building Material Store
The new retail yard of The Pacific Lumber Company at Scotia can best be described as the last word in up-to-date building material stores, as it is indeed a complete .building maierial store in every sense of the word, carrying as it does, everything in the building line necessary to serve the public in the best possible way.
Ciment, plaster and patent roofing are carried, and also builders' hardware and plumbing fixtures.
While the yard will naturally feature Redwood, the. principal aim of fhe new establishment is service of the highest
The layout is most modern, incorporating all the best features of the newest and most up-to-date building material stores throughout the country, and having in addition some original features of its own.
The shed is constructed entirely of Redwood, has a Redwood shingle roof, and is sided with Anzac Siding.
The office, which occupies a large part of one side of the shed is combined with a most attractive display room. This contains every known built-in feature, and there is also class to the public, and it is thoroughly equipped to give the public anything and everything they want. - installed a very modern tiled bathroom with all the plumbing fixtures set up to show exactly how they would look in a home.
The at[ention of visitors will at once be attracted to the floor of the office and display room, which is covered with California Redwood blocks, highly polished. This beautiful floor adds materially to the showing off of the articles on display.
This splendid retail yard, photograph of which accompanies this article, rvas opened to the public December l, 1926. It is situated on the company's property o1 the famous Redwood Highway, opposite the Mowatoc Flotel, in the town of Scotia.
The yard is under the management of Mr. F. Lundquist, who handles the sales in the vicinity of Scotia, and has an outside man lvho covers the territory as far south as Willits.
Deliveries are made by truck, and builders along the highway can now secure their every requirement fo1 a complete home or any other structure, all the materials being delivered right to their premises.
Thie Column of "Wants" and
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy
The Fellow ifho Weptq to Sell
The Fellow \Mho Wants to Hire
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
LUMBER YARD SITE-For sale or lease. Two acres on a Los Angeles Boulevard. Four-cent rate, spur track, sheds, planing mill building, burner, racks, etc., all ready to go. Will sell on terms or lease with option to buy. Address Box C-16O, c/o California Lumber Merchant.
EXPERIENCED LUMBERMAN-wants position. Prefers management of retail yard or as salesman with wholesale or retail concern. Eighteen years lumber experience; nine years in Southern California. Knows retail trade. References if necessary. Address Box 172 California Lumber Merchant.
LUMBER MAN-with years of experience as manag'er, retail and wholesale; would consider proposition; good on sales, collections and accounting; references. Lumberman, 80G43rd St., Sacramento, Calif.
EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR AN EXPERIENCED RETAIL LUMBERMAN-If you know you are a success in managing a retail lumber business and have the ability and nerve to get the business and collect the money when getting is g6od, and share in the profits of your work, write us giving details of your past five years' experience in first letter. Address Box C-167, care California Lumber Merchant.
EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION-Young' man 27 years of age ; 4/2 yearc' retail yard and 4rl years' sawmill experience; figures lumber, shook, etc. Can do stenography and typing and assist on books. Desires position in retail yard or sawmill with chance for advancement. Box C-168, California Lumber Merchant.
FOR SALE: Two Ford Trucks, solid tires, with FABCO Extension frames and fitted with lumber rolls. Priced 1t $21q and $160 respectively. Equipment at present at Santa Rosa, Calif. Address Robt. E. Kirk, Care Chamber of Commerce, Ifinton Ave., Santa Rosa.
Wants_ position as manager of retail lumber yard in city or outside territory. Have proved abilitv. A-i referencei. 7 years experience. Age 36.- Address Box C-173 Care California Lumber Merchant.
FOR SAlE-Practically new 50,000 capacity Fir Saw IUill.with complete dry liilns, planing miil, railroad and logging equipment. Ample excellent timber available. Reason for selling desire to retire from business. Address Fir Sale, care of California Lumber Merchant.
Nine years' experience in lumber, millwork, hardware, etc., as Manager. G. O. Bookkeeper and estimator. Ag. 3Q family. Fred H. Elbie, 2601 Cedar St., Willowbrool, California.
.WANTS POSITION-ZO years' experience in the millwork, sash and door business. Can run mill, office or handle sales. Capable of handling mill bids and can handle either wholesale or retail departments. Will consider position in city or in outside territory efiective January l, 1928. Address Box C-171 care California Lumber Merchant.

Wholesale or years' experience
POSITION WANTED retail, by lumberman with twenty-five on the Pacific Coast and Middle West.
Wants position as manager or salesman in retail yard, twelve years as manager, hustler, good on collectioni and credits. Single, good health and best of references. Address Box C-169 care California Lumber Merchant. J. T. Irish, 8833 Alcott Street, Los Angeles, Calif.
The office of the Californria Lumber Merchant ic constantly receiving applica- tions, from both men and women, desiring work with lumber concer;. - Most of these have had previous lumber experience.
W_hgt you lre in need of help of any kind, either office or yard, why not get the habit of calling us {1st and giying u! an oplrcrhrnity to bL of servile to -you as well as to those n€eding employment? There is no charge with this service, to employer or employee.