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C.o m plete B uil ding C ons t r uc tion Special Attention Given to Repair Work
383 Pittock Block - Portland, Oregon
Tclcphone Broadway 8060
Iron Workcrr, Cemcnt Workcn, BricL Laycn, Carpcntcre, Rooferr, Plumbert, Elcctricianr, Cabinet-makcrr, Painterr and PaperLangcre; elro Rcal Ertate Bondr and Mortgager.
s'alq orpco Hoo Hoo To HoLD CONCATENATION
The San Diego Hoo Hoo will hold a concatenation on Saturday, January 28. A large turnout of Southern California Hoo Hoo is expected to attend the meeting. A delegation of Hoo Hoo menrbers from the Los Angeles District are also planning to take in the Concatenation.
HELPFULNESS. Provide all the information your custorners want. Install a set of plan books-or pictures of buildings. Put in a display of samples of the goods you carry. Show samples or pictures of builders' hardware. Have building pictures on the walls. Have color cards and suggestive color schemes on display. Provide all the equipment that will help your customer decide. These you can get from your supply houses-plan ss1yi6s5-manufacturers' associations, etc. If you have any doubt whether to GET and to USE any cerlain item of Lelpful equipment- just make it a rule that YOUR PLACE OF BUSINESS CANTNOT BE TOO HELPFUL.
Frfd Roth, San Francisco, Bojum on the Supreme Nine, lvill leave for St. Louis the latter part of the month to atJ tend ia three day meeting of the Supreme Nine. All officers of the Suprerne Nine are expected to attend. Supreme Bojurn Rofh pxpects to be away for about ten days.