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National Forest Extension
Amount Authorized to be Spent in 8-Year Program
Washington, Jan. 5.-A favorable report on the McNaryWoodruff bill, S. 1181, providing for Federal expenditures of $40,000,0@ for the acquisition of forest lands rvas voted by the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry today, following brief hearings in which lumbermen, foresters and others urged the early passage of the measure. The Committee also voted to report the bill with an amendment making the total appropriation available for an eight-year program, instead of a ten-year program as originally provided $1,000,000 of which is to become available immediately upon enactment.
Col. W. B. Greeley, Chief U. S. Forester, explained that the bill contemplated the purchase of 4,000,000 acres at the headwaters of navigable streams, two and one-half million acres in the Lake States and a like amount in the Southern pine region. He estimated the lands in the Lake States and in the South together would cost approximately $15,m0,000, while the 4,000,000 acres would cost about $25,000.000
John W. Blodgett, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, former president of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, said he felt that reforestation largely was a matter for the Federal Government and the States. In reply to inquiry from Senator Norbeck as to whether he thought the ten-year program was "fast enough," Mr. Blodgett said he did not think it was, but that it was a step in the right direction and "possibly as fast as public sentiment would permit."
Speedier action also was urged by R. S. Kellogg, chairman of the National Forestry Program Committee, and ]ohn S. Holmes, of the Southern Forestry Congress. Mr. Kellogg said that while private timber land owners had made remarkable progress in the matter of reforestation, private capital should not be expected, under present circumstances in the various States, to grow trees that require a century to mature. He said that was a matter for public enterprise. Because of the delay in passing this measure, he added, the Nation has lost many years in growth of timber.
Mr. Kellogg stated emphatically that the McNary-Wood- ruff bill was a necessary step in the perpetuation of our fores't resources and until it was enacted by Congress, those interested in its passage would appear and reappear before the Senate Committee. He said the policy embodied in the bill was first advocated in l90O and that it was time action should be taken.
Others who appeared before the Committee included R. Y. Stewart, of the Societ_v of American Foresters; George D. Pratt, president of the American Forestry Associatioi; L. W. Wallace, secretary of the American Engineering Council, and Shirley Allen, of the American Forestry Association, speaking on behalf of the General Federation of 'Women's Clubs.
Harry W. Cole, Crannell, vice president and general manager of The Little River Redwood Lumber Co., has left for New York on a business trip. He plans to be in the east about two weeks.
J. B. Newbegin, Tacoma lumberman, was a San Francisco visitor around the first of the month where he spent leveral day-s looking over lumber conditions in the Bay Diltrict and calling on the lumber trade. Mr. Newbegin is e former president of the Tacoma Lumbermen's Clu6.
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