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Definite Trade Mark Agreement to be Sought, Nation-Wide Canvass of Mills Precedes Advertising Campaign
.John M. Gibbs, trade extension manager, the three di_ vision _managers, Arthur T. Upson, Wal-ter F. Shaw and A. C. Horner, will go into the field about the middle of January to obtain definite- grade and trade-marki;t-&;.;_ ments from lumber manufaiturers.
Approximately 300 mills, 18O of them trade extension subscribers, will be solicited.
This solicitation of definite agreements from mills which will grade and trade mark thelr products, follows the de_ cision of the Trade Extension 'Commitiee to "a".rtir" American Standard Lumber, grade marked, natiorraiiy trade-marked and financially guiranteed.
Gibbs to Go West
Mr. Gibbs and the divisio.n managers will personally visit many of the mills and will interview mariufactureis and regional association managers. Mr. Gibbs will leave Wash_ ington.abou.!.January _15,_going direct to San F;;;i.-, yle.rg he will join A. C. Hornei, manager of the Western l)rvrslon, who will work with him in the West. Together they will vi:it nlills in California, Oregon, W"rhi"gto-" a"i the Inland Empire. Arthur T. Upson-, -manager of ihe East_ ern rlrvrsron, wrll canvass the mills in the South and Southeast, and Walter F. Shaw, Central Division manager, will visit mills in the Middle West and Southeast.
Non-Subscribers Solicited
Approxi{rately 1@ mills which do not subscribe to the trade extension campaign will be canvassed. Such mills will be licensed to use fhe national trade mark in .onn* tion with their Association marks upon the payment oi tl" same fee as subscribers.
In order to articulate the advertising with the retailing of grade and trade marked lumber, it iv;tt b. ,"...."rr. i3 know what percentage of qroduciion will n.gira;'""d trade-marked on a given date. Statements fiom mills which are now marking and from those rvhich intena io so mark^their plqqqct-s, nbw on file at headquarterr, inai."i" that 8,200,000,000 feet of the 10,500,000,0b0 feet'annu"ii' produced by trade extension subscribers will be -"rk.d, but dates when such a percentage of marked lumber wili be available are not yet definite. -
Justice to Unmarked Lumber
The advertising copy of the National Association will be so handled that the introduction of grade-marking and trade marking will not adversely afiect uimarked stocEs on n"nJ in retail-yards. Moreover, the advertisements will be so framed that while they powerfully advance the interests of grade -and trade marked -lumber,-they will not be "p." i. the inference that unmarked lumber is therefore .ruri.J ". undesirable lumber.
Returns From Honolulu
^ P,^C._ (Peje) ,McNevin, ,general sales manager of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francis.o, u""ofrrpanied by Mrs. McNevin and d3ugh1_er T,il,lian, returned yanuarl, itf from a ten weeks'visit to Honolulu.
Fire Damages West Oregon Mill
Fire of undetermined origin damaged the millof the West Or-egon Lumber Co. at-I-innton, bre., to an estimated extent of-betvfeen $25.,000 and $30,000 on ihe night of Di_ cember 21. The loss is covered by insurance, "rid it is ex_ pected that the mill will resume operation January 10.