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Gilbert M. Walker Clean Up and Paint Up Bureau
Gilbert M. Walker, vice-president of the Red River Lumber Company, Minneapoiis, Minn., died December 2g. ol pneumonia, at the age of 68. In addition to his connec_ tion with the lumber company, Mr. Walker took an active interest in all the busineis interprises of his father, the late Thomas Barlow Walker, rvho was not only on" oi th" greatest lumbermen of all time, but also an outstanding figure in the business world. Some of the business enter-prises with which Gilbert Walker was affiliated include the Minneapo^lis Central Market Co., the Minneapolis, North- field & Southern Railwa-v, and large Minneapolis real estate holdings consisting of the Red-River Lumber Com_ peny-Buildinp th.e Butler Building, the Jewelers Exchange, the Produce Exchange and the Sfuberi Theatre. He *-as also_president of the T. B. Walker Foundation (Inc.), a notable collection of pictures. pottery, and other "it t.."._ ures, and the Walker Gallery in rvhich it is housed.
_ Surviving 1{r. Walker are his rvife, a sister, Mrs. Ernest F. Smith of Minneapolis, and four brothers, Archie D. Y*ltS-rr..-Yinn-e_apolis; Fletcher L. Walker,'Westwood, Cal.; Willis J. Walker, Sln Francisco, ancl Clinton Walker, Oakland, Cal.
DEC. ls
Returns from the fall advertising campaign of the Na- tional Lumber Manufacturers Association iotaled Z4,Zgg inquiries on December 15.
Advertising in the.general consumer publications and the trade and technical magazines had, on that date, brought 983 specific inquiries relating to the lumber consultant service. ^ Inquiries from advertising in farm publi_ cations totaled 23.805.