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H:' Sash Door and Mill Workers
Aberdeen Will Get New Plant
J. G. Kennedy Pacific Manufacturing Company
;A,t the fifth annual conference of the Millwork Institute of California held at San Francisco, J. G. Kennedy, together with A. J. Todhunter of Los Angeles, were eiected vice--presidents for the ensuing year. Mr. Kennedy is also a director of the Institute representing the Sania Clara District. He is connected with the Pac-ific Manufacturing Co. with headquarters in San Francisco.
The Springfield Cedar Co. of Oakland are making arrangements to .expand their plant and to add some new equipment. H. D, Chichester is president ancl general manager of the company.
I(),(|()() FEET AN HOUR!
One Hilke Piler and a crew of 3 or 4 (depending on proficiency) witl pile 10,000 feet or better in an hour.
Compare this with your present rate of piling and you will see why the
Hilke Piler
(Prt'd. U. S, ud Cuda) peyr for itrclf quicLly in hbor nving.
This is to say nothing of increased yard capacity, shorter haul, reduced upkeep of alleys, saving in pile bases and roofing boards, etc.
_ Modcmlzc yru yud. hva_tlSatr mcchulcal pillng. Scnd for perUcutui.
Murry Jacobs Co.
Si?E Firrt Avc. So. - Scrtttc Pcttud Su Francbco Lor Anjahr Ncw Orlcaar
Muufmturgd by Johorcr Mff. Co Scrttlc, Warh.
Consolidated Furniture Manufacturers of portland will start construction soon of a sawmill and veneer plant at Aberdeen, Wash., to manufacture hardwood lumber and ven-eers from alder, maple and cottonwood. The concern wtll be called the Consolidated plywood ,and Lumber Co. It is- e-xpected that the plant will'be heady fo, opeiation April 1.
Millmen Make Trip To Northwest
---K. C. and George Wilson, owners and operato.rs of the Wilson Bros. milllt Humbug, were recent wortt *..i "is_ itgy; to. purchase new equipment for their mill. Their mlll, whlch is located about six miles from yreka, has been in operation for the past seven years. The new mach_ inery will be installed during the winter months and will be ready when the mill resuries operations around April l.
--3!. new_ plant of the. Harbor plywood Co., Hoquiam, Wash., built to replace the.one destioyed by fiie ,;"-;;iit; rs expected to start operation soon after the first of tie year.
New Manager For Riverside Yard
George Padgett has been appointed manager of the Hav_ ward Lumber & Investment-Co. yard at Cor6na, succeedirig E. E. Thompson. Mr. Padgett has been connected witf, the company's yard at Riverside for the past several years.
Dct cvorythlng r nowlty lrv cen do but fccd without rubbing or ovcrhcrtiag. Thc rucccrful \ pcrfgrnancc of Sinondr Srwr, Kaivcr end Fitcr ir duc to thc. fact th-rt thcy arc beckci'by Sinoidr -.""i..t"ii"g crpcricncc of ncnrly ccNrtury.
Whca ordcring rpccify Sinondt plancr Srw for rmoothcr cuttin3. Do not acccpt a rubttitutc..
Loo Angcler, Sdif. San Francirco, Crfif.,
6hts,de.l home plan has many oriBinal drjtrnctr.re thou6hts.-each playr np rto parb rn prod,ucrna Uheattmctveness ancl convenlences rneFlected.
May we ask bhat rrou er',re [he vanou^e dethrls incorporated wur most careFll considirahon
Plans for this attractive home can be furnished Lumbennents Service Association Fay Building, Los Angeles' by the