3 minute read
Pioneer Paper Co. Combines With Flintkote Group and Shell Company
One of the largest business combinations in the history of Pacific Coast industry is announced by H. M. Eichelberger, between the Pioneer Paper Company of Los Angeles, the Flintkote group of companies, manufacturers ol ioofings and asphalt shingles, with headquarters in Boston, Mass., ahd the Shell Company, international oil productng organization.
ahe partnership arrangement just worked out culminates thi Pioneer Paper Company's largest year in-business in sales volume and profits; it was'announced by J.H. Plunkett, general manager of the concern. Steadily-.improved minufacturing methods, increased plant faciliti.es ind a resultant bettered product, together with a profitsharing plan of operation with employees, made 1928 the most profitable ylar since the company's inception, the executive stated. The Pioneer plant is regarded as one ot the foremost of its kind in the United States.
Added to the largest interest of the Pioneer Paper Company, will be the national organization of the Flintkote Companies, with their leadership in research, experimental labofatory work and equipment, and the huge organization and resources of the Shell Company, the announcement . pointed out. There will be an exchange of stock between the roofing companies, it was said' ttre Sttett inierests gives the Pioneer firm its final unit in acquiring adequate supply of the best raw materials available, the company's announcement further stated.
"The m-ove in joining with the Flintkote Companies, of which Chester E. Rahr is President, and the Shell Company. is a significantly progressive one on the part of the Pioncer Paper Company" declared Mr. Plunkett.
"The Flinttote Companies have achieved the same leadership'and outstanding position as-a roofing manufacturing organization in the East, as the Pioneer Pap.er C-o-.?3ly hai attained in the Wesi," the execuiive continued. "The ioining of these two leaders gives the Pioneer Company a iational aspect that will even more increase its prestige on the PaCific Coast and enable it to produce an even superior product at a lower cost'"
Under the terms of the partnership arrangements just efiected, there will be no change in either management, personnel or policies. The operation of Pioneer Paper ih. fitt t shortly afterward attracted nation-wide attention by inaugurating the time payment plan, under *,ht:h a home ownlr couli purchase-a roof by a system of deferred payments, the irrangement through which most of the luxuries and nec'essities of life are sold today'
Company will be an entirely separate California otganization, continuing under the piesent management and policies, with the added advantages , of new lines and lower raw material costs, through- its associations with Flintkote Company. As in the pist, the destinies of the-great-.L*ti* Coasi roofing organiiation will be directed by--Willis G' Hunt, Presidint, i,r'ho with H. M. Eichelberger, Vice-President and Treasurer, founded the venture in 1888.
The phenomenal growth of the Pioneer Paper -Co-mna11 has been one of thJoutstanding features of the industrial development of Los Angeles. Established in a small room or, " iid. street, the Jompany began operations with a "working personnel" of one. man. Soon, however, the new .on.ertt,- siarted prirqarily for the manufacture of paper, launched into the'prdduc[ion of a full line of asphalt roofings, building papers and asphalt shingles.
"Irr ".o*piritively short iime, it forged t9 th-e fry-n1 aq one of the leading'roofing manufacturers in the United States. Sixteen acres of ground on Alameda Street, were purchased. Experimentaf and research laboratories were installed and wi-thin the last decade a number of addition'al products have been introduced, such as various new tJpes Lf shingles and pipe covering, and Yosemite rock-surfaced shingles.
Hindreds of tons of mulch paper are also exported a1nually by the Pioneer Paper Company for the-use of agricultuiists in the H'awaiiin Islands and the Orient' The concern enjoys the distinction of being one of the.first Southern ialifornia manufacturers to engage extensively in foreign trade.
NotaSle contributions which have influenced the entire roofing industry also have been made by-the Pacific Coast "on..t"n. Among the more spectacular of its achievements was the introduJtion several years ago of 'a program under which the Pioneer Paper Cohpany backed its faith in its products by issuing 10 and Zfyear guarantees for its roofing..
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