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Hoo Hoo Notes
San Die$o Hoo Hoo Elect ChesterA. Minard Appointed officers snark of sacramento- District
At a recent meeting of the San Diego Hoo Hoo Club, Owen S. King of San Diego rvas electei president for thi year 1929 to succeed Fred M. White; I. H. Biornstad was elected Secretary-treasurer to succeed nloya R. Herbert.
Susanville Hoo Hoo Club
The December meeting of the Susanville, Calif., Hoo Hoo Club was a merry one. Vaudeville stunts and music by several of the members, assisted by children of the empioyes _9i thg Fruit Growers Suppll' Company and the Union High School students, featurid the oicasion. president Jack Clark presided at the meeting.
(Continued from Page 43)
Table 4.-Production of Shingles, for principal States: 1927 and 1926
Chester A. Minard, Cutter Mill& Lumber Co., Sacramento, tras been appointed vicegerent snark of the Sacramento District. The_ appointment was made by Supreme Custocation Charles G. Blrd. Mr. Minard has been a member of Hoo Hoo since 1908.
The Soule-Martin Lumber Company, Los Angeles, announces that H. O. Martin has acquired the interest of Wm. H. Soule and the reorganizatioi has effected the following changes: H. O. Mlrtin, President and General Ma-nager; Arthur L. Veitch, Attorney at Law, Secretary and Treasurer; Reve Houck. Sales Piomotion.
Installing Battery Of Moore Cross Circulation Kilns
The Peterman Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of Douglas Fir doors and panels, are proceeding with the construction of their new factory. Work on the battery of ten Moore's Cross Circulation Internal Fan kilns is biing pushed rapidly. The kiln buildings will be of tile and concrete fireproof construction throughout and the kilns will be modern in every respect, in keeping with the up-to-date mill, veeneer plant, and door factory being built at Tacoma, Washington.
Over Slz0o.00 worth of PEERIISS BUILT-IN FURNITURE ys s?ld by the-J. D._Halstead Lumber Company in lw thil eleven months in Safford, Arizom, a ton of oly l3{tr people, The mcrchudise muk-up wB 5ll pcr cent, nettlng them apprqinately t000.00 gre profit. Hundreds of otter delErc in mny Darts of the cNtry TJ_mJIgIinC their profitr In tbe sme way by selllni .PEERLESS BUILT-TN FURNITURE.
Write today for our dealer plm and llteratuc. BUILT.IN BRA,ND Lor Angeler San Frencirco
FIXTURE COMPANY Berkeley, California [1-E^E,]L#"l