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Oak Flooring Situation Very Strong
No particular departn.rent of the entire lumber industry appears to occupy so stout a position at the present time, as oak flooring, looking at it from a national viewpoint.
The oak flooring industry has entered upon a new year with what amounts to practically a complete shutdown, and resumption of operations and production is problematical, depending entirely upon conditions. Knowledge of this fact in the marketing territories has influenced a flurry of buying in the last tliirty days.
The scarcity-almost absence-of dry flooring oak at
National Forest Camp Grounds Popular
The 1,252 designated camp grounds in the 18 national forests of the California Region rvere used by 1,588,328 campers and picnickers during the vacation season of 1931 according to a report just issued by Regional Forester S. B. Show. The heaviest maximum use on any one day was 8,746 people. These figures do not include guests at 15 municipal and county camps maintained by 8 cities and 2 counties, 75 can-rps belonging to clubs and fraternal orgar.rizations, and private camps in the California National Forests.
tl-re Southern mills is one of the influences that is particularly strengthening the market. Continual rains over most of the hardrvood producing sections of the South since the middle of November, and the continuation of extremely wet conditions in the lvoods, is threatening further curtailment of oak production, and further strengthening of the oak flooring market because of the reduction of rarv materials available.
All the elements of a very strong oak flooring market are in evidence at the present time, and most of them are knon,n to and appreciated by the flooring trade generally.
Weyerhaeuser Field Man In California
J. J. McMillan, district field representative of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. in the Philadelphia district, is spending six weeks in the California district making a survey of general conditions, and lending his assistance to Weyerhaeuser sales representatives in an educational way.
R. W. Hunt, district manager for California, San Francisco, reports that large shipments of 4-Square lumber and 4-Square Guide Line Framing are coming into the San Francisco market. "The stock is arriving in elegant condition and is being rvell received by dealers," Mr. Hunt says.