2 minute read
1126 Wert 45th Street
Lor Angeler
Phone: VErmont 3102
"Only the Piston moves"
Yz to 2-inch Drilling Capacity
Weights 10 to 20 lbs.
Priced at tlOO and up.
Electr{c Drllb, All olzcr
Portable Grlnden and Sench TSper
Goncrete Surlaccrt
Strand Flcdble thattr and Equlplncrrt
Eleccrlc lland Sawt
Canderc . Potlshem Butferr
If a job can be done with an electric se6l-wg have it
(The Clcaring House)
This Column of "Wantsl' and "Don't Wants" is fon
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: 52.s0 per column inch
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Established Lumber Yard For Sale
For Sale
Planing Mill Machinery for sale. All modern, nem 3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.
For Sale
FOR SALE-Lumber yard, stock, truck, safe, adding machine. Lot l6ox150 feet, rvith 280 lineal feet of sheds. Warehouse 18x36 and six-room cottage; all for $9500.00. Poor health reason for selling. Write Box C-420, California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted By Experienced Man
Wanted position. Twenty years' experience lumber and milhvork, office or outside. Thirty-eight years old, married, can furnish reference ancl bond. Hard worker. Address R. E. Stervart, 567 Lincoln Ave.. Palo Alto. Calif.
Salesman Wants Position
Salesman familiar with Southern California Architects, Lumber Dealers and Contractors desires connection as representative for Northwest mill, or for a manufacturer or distributor of building materials. Past three years Southern California District Representative for Eastern Manufacturer. Age 37-married. Can furnish references, will appreciate an interview. Address care California Lumber Merchant, Box C-424.
For Sale-One of the old established lumber yards in Santa Barbara. Some of the main stockholders wish to retire. Will retain real estate and buildings, giving long lease. New, up-to-date plant. Competitive conditions cannot be duplicated anywhere in State. If mutually agreeable, one rnain stockholder rvill retain good sized interest rvith right party.
Santa Barbara Lumber & Mill Company Santa Barbara. California.
WANTED-By middle aged retailer of broad experience, position as manager of good yard in city of four to fifteen thousand population; central California preferred. Good salesman ; expert on collections and result getter. Clean record and best of references. Want connection where an interest can be accprired after ability is proven. Reply California Lumber Merchant, Box C-421.
Experienced Office Man
Lumberman with several years experience in all branches of office lvork desires position. Can furnish good references and will appr,eciate an interview. Address Box C-423, California Lumber l\ferchant.
Best Retail Lumber location in Los Angeles on Vermont Avenue, close in. Investment not to exceed $5,000.00. Cheap rent. Dolan Lumber Company, 8309 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, California.
The office of the California Lumber Merchant is constantly receirittg applications, from both men and women, desiring work with lumber concernE. Moot of these have had previouE lumber experience.
When you are in need of help of any kind, eit{rer office or yard, why not get the habit of calling us first and giving us an opporhrnity to be of service to you as well as to ttrose needing employment? There is no charge with this service, to employer or employee.