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Southern California Independent Retail Lumber Dealers Orga nize
(Continued from Page 21)
5. Regular meetings of the executive committee shall be held every two lveeks and special meetings as often as interests of the organization demancl. Manner of calling special meetings of executive committee or members of organization provided for in agreement.
6. Officers of the executive committee sl-rall be: president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. The office of secretary-treasurer may be combined.
7. The executive cornmittee shall have power (a) to employ and discharge purchasing agent and statistician or any other necessary employees, agents or attorneys, (b) to determine the principal place of business, (c) to determine the policies of the association and control its affairs, (d) to receive new members or expel old members, subject, however, to terms of the agreement, (e) to filI vacancies in the executive committee, (f) to select a name for this organization, (g) to exercise such powers as are necessary or convenient for the full eniovment and effectiveness of such powers.
8. All purchasing shall be through the central purchasing office, or exact copies of orders (with or without prices attached) shall be promptly filed rvith such central purchasing ofifice. Members shall be governed by suggestions from purchasing agent and./or executive committee as to preferred sources of supply, provided same shall not be obligatory in such special cases as vitally affects the good- rvill and well-being of a member yard. A minimum of direct purchases considered in the interest of the organization.
9. Forfeiture of membership for violation of any stipulations contained in'agreement, or of rules set up by ttre executive committee for the conduct of the affairs of the organization, subject to conditions of the agreement.
10. Majority vote of the executive committee shall be sufficient for all decisions except as otherwise provided.
11. Purchases through central purchasing office shall be in the name of the member ordering said supplies, and not in the name of, nor on behalf of, the organization, and sole liability shall rest upon the member ordering.
12. Economic set-up and management of purchasing and statistical office, monthly dues at the rate of $5.00 per member, plus $2.0O monthly dues for each additional yard in all cases where the member operates two or more yards receiving any of the services oi benefits of such central office. Should emergencies require, the executive committee may levy an assessment not in excess of monthly dues and at not less than six-month intervals.
The following were elected as members of the Executivri Committee: O. H. Barr, Barr Lumber Co., Santa Ana; Frank Burnaby, Sun Lumber Co., Beverly Hills; M. E. Downey, Century Lumber Co., Long Beach; Frank L. Fox, Fox-Woodsum Lumber Co., Glendale; S. J. Hathaway, Sunkist Lumber Co., Monrovia; Sam T. Hayward, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Los Angeles, and Earl Johnson, Johnson Lumber Co., Pasadena.
At a meeting of the Executive Committee on January 4, the Association officers elected were : O. H. Barr, president; Frank L. Fox, vice-president, and Frank Burnaby, secretary-treasurer. Curtis Williams, Los Angeles, who has been connected with the lumber business in Southern
California for many years, rvas elected manager. The new organization rvill be known as the Associated Independent Retail Lumber Dealers of Southern California. The Association headquarters are located at 1037 Rorvan Building, Los Angeles.
The rnembership list to date includes:
Adams-Bor.vers l-umber Co., Anaheim; Chas. C. Adams I-umber Co., San Bernardino; Alley Bros. Lumber Co., Santa Monica; Amelang Lumber Co., La Crescenta; Barr I-umber Co., Santa Ana; Bay District Lumber Co., Nervport Beach; Blanchard Lumber Co., Burbank; Blanchard I-umber Co., North Hollywood; Bowerman Lumber Co., Glendale; Brown & Dauser Co.. Fullerton; Buena Park Lumber Co., Buena Park; Burbank Lumber Co., Burbank; Central Lumber Co., Compton; Century Lumber Co., Long Beach; Fred A. Chapin Lumber Co., San Bernardino; C. H. Chapman, Santa Ana; Claremont Lumber Co., Claremont; Cronin Lumber Co., Van Nuys; Curran Bros., Inc., Pomona; Dill Lumber Co., Redlands; Dolan Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Eagle Rock Lumber Co., Eagle Rock; Fickling Lumber Co., Long Beach; Fletcher-Neimeyer Lumber Co., Lamanda Park; F'ox-Woodsum Lumber Co., Glendale; Francis Lumber Co., Long Beach; Ganahl-Grim Lumber Co., Anaheim; Gibbs Lumber Co., Anaheim; Hayward Lumber & Invest. Co., Los Angeles; J. W. Heinecke Lumber Co., San Clemente; Hudson-Bonney Lumber Co., Burbank; Johnson Lumber Co., Pasadena; Liggett Lumber Co., Santa Ana; Lumber & Builders' Supply Co., Solano Beach; Mullin Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Newport Beach Lumber Co., Newport Beach; Osgood Lumber Co., Bell; Palisades Lumber & Supply Co., Newport Beach; Palms Lumber Co., Palms; Republic Lumber Co., Pasadena; Rossman Mill & Lumber Co., Wilmington; San Bernardino Lumber Co., San Bernardino; San Gabriel Valley Lumber Co., San Gabriel ; Santa Ana Lumber Co., Santa Ana; F. P. Sappington, El Monte; J. & W. C. Shull, Inc., Bell; SkidmoreBowers Lumber Co., Down'ey; Smith-Lindsay Lumber Co., Pasadena; H. H. Spaulding, Hemet; Sun Lumber Co., Beverly Hills; Sunkist Lumber Co., Monrovia; Upland Lumber & Mill Co., Upland; Yost-Linn Lumber & Finance Co., Los Angeles; Loveday Lumber Company, Los Asgeles; C. H. Griffen Lumber Co., Artesia; J.M.Buhler Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Coffey Lumber Co., Los Angeles.
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