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California's Fire Protection Budget Hoo Hoo Concats Scheduled
Largest in U. S.
California's cooperative budget for fire protection on lands outside the National Forests is the largest of any state, with $764,940 in combined state, Federal and private funds for fire control work in the fiscal year 1932, according to a report from the office of the chief forester of the l/. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. California's budget is composed of $161,298 from Federal funds and $6O3,642 from state and private funds.
Funds aggregating $6,807,058 for preventing and suppressing forest fires have been made available for the 1932 fiscal year for the 38 states and territories cooperating with the Forest Service under the Clarke-McNary law. Funds from state, Federal and private sources made up the total, which shorvs a gain of $472,878 over the last fiscal year ending June 30. 1931.
A considerable proportion of the funds budgeted have already been expended since the beginning of the current fiscal year. Part of the money is used in the winter months in construction of firebreaks, trails, lookout tor,vers and telephone lines.
Spends Christmas At Old Home
R. W. Hunt, district manager for California of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., San Francisco, returned recently from a trip to the Northwest. Mr. Hunt, rvho rvas accompanied bv Mrs. Hunt. visited the Tacoma office and the mills at L'ongview and Everett, and spent Christmas r.vith his family in Everett.
Perry Dame A Los Angeles Visitor
Perry Dame, The Creo-Dipt Co., San Francisco, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent several days calling on the lumber trade.
for Retail Conventions
Hoo Hoo will have a place on the convention programs of five retail lumber associations during January and February, Secretary-Treasurer H. R. Isherwood announces. Additional conventions probably will be added to the list soon.
Concatenations will be held in connection with the following meetings:
January 14-Mountain States Lumber Dealers' Association, Cosmopolitan Hotel, Denver. Convention dates: January 14,15, 16.
January 19 (afternoon)-Northwestern Lumbermen's Association, Auditorium, Minneapolis. Convention dates: January 19,20,21.
February 2-Ohio Association of Retail Lumber Dealers, Columbus. Convention dates: February 2, 3, 4, 5.
February 9-Illinois Lumber & Material Dealers' Association, Stevens Hotel, Chicago. Convention dates: February 9,10, 11.
February 18-Western Retail Lumbermen's Association (U.S.), Davenport Hotel, Spokane. Convention dates: February 18, 79,20.
Lester E. Oakley, manager of the Portland office of MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco, spent the Christmas and New Year holidays in Los Angeles. Mr. Oakley, who was accompanied by his wife, made the trip by automobile and visited the company's Los Angeles and San Francisco offices, leaving for Portland January 13.