2 minute read
Bissell Lumber Co.
Neffleton Lumber Co.
Pankratz Lumber Co.
Seattle Export Lumber Co.
Stimson Mill Co.
West Waterway Lumber Co.
Rough Green Clears-Commons-Vorked Uppers CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVE
In humble reverence, I stood Beneath the high, still arch of wood That stretched its beams of living green: I saw the dim light fall between The massive pillars-older far Than all earth's living children are. I felt that here must surely be God's own cathedral; then, to me Came such deep peace I never knew, And understanding slowly grew Why human thought seems dwarfed by these Calm giants men call Redwood Trees.
-Pearle R. Casey in Verse Craft.
An artist, who had been employed to retouch and renovate some oil painting in an old church in Belgium at the termination of the world war, was asked to render his bill itemized, which he did as follows:
Asking Too Much
Forbes Magazine tells of the school teacher who received the following note recently:
"Dear Mum: I am sorry that Johnny won't be able to come to school today. He has gone with his father to act as timekeeper. The sum you gave Johnny last night was: 'If the embankment is l/a miles in length, how long will it take a man to walk that distance Z6f, ti.rnes his average rate of progress being 3s/a miles per hour?' Johnny ain't a man yet, so as dad's the only man in this house, he had to go.
"They started at 4 o'clock this morning, and dad said he'd finish the sum in one day if he could manage it, though it would be hard going. Dear Mum, next time you want any information please make it 'woman'; then I can do the sum and dad can go to his work."
Night Musings
The mocking bird out yonder Is calling, calling low, As asking, "Whether wander, Dear love of long ago?" My heart wells up, repeating The fleeing, lonely cry: And when will we be meeting Again, dear, you and I?
Night shadows brood and tremble
Among the dreaming trees, As in my thoughts assemble The shades of memories: And, as the bird keeps crying Its sighing note, I hear Your plaintive voice replying From far-off yesteryear.
You were as fragrant, tender As springtime lilacs blow; You were Love's own defender, And slender as his bow.
He Roused Them
A man who had waited patiently in the postoffice could not attract the attention of either of the girls behind the counter.
"The evening cloak," explained one of the girls to her companions, "was a redingote designed in gorgeous brocade, with fox fur and wide pagoda sleeves."
At this point the long suffering customer broke in with: "I wonder if you could provide me with a neat red stamp with a dinky perforated hem, the tout ensemble treated on the reverse side with gum arabic? Something for about two cents?"-Wall Street Journal.
Ifow slow the midnight passes; How swift the trend of years; How long the graveyard grass is; How chill the dew of tears !
-Ray Clark Rose.
Be Brave
Thomas Edison said: "Be courageous. I have lived a long time. f have seen history repeat itself again and again. I have seen many depressions in business. Always America has come out stronger and more prosperous. Be as brave as your fathers before you. Have faith. Go forward."