1 minute read
Move Sales Offices to San Francisco
Shaw-Bertram Lumber Co., manufacturers of California Pine, Klamath Falls, Ore., have moved their sales offices to San Francisco. They are located in a new suite of offices on the eleventh floor of the Crocker First National Bank Building.
E. A. Horr, general sales manager, is in charge, and T. N. Ryan is manager, as heretofore, of shook sales.
"Hor", of Cha ractettt
A new service for lumbermen and contractors has just recently been issued by the Lumbermen's Service Association of Los Angeles, titled "Homes of Character."
This attractively compiled volume, in addition to the 300 plans which show every conceivable style, size and arrangement of modern construction, contains many pages of details covering special features such as windows, doors, interiors, fireplaces, remodeling, garages, cabin plans, etc. Thc book is 13x18 inches. with 112 pages printed on heavy serviceable stock assembled in a loose-leaf durable binder. The book is a very complete plan and building service and will be of great assistance to prospective home builders.
In commenting on this new edition, Floyd Dernier of the Lumbermen's Service Association, states-"In every locality there are families who can be encouraged to build and improve if properly approached and this new book will furnish the lumbermen and contractors just the contact material to use in instilling desires."