1 minute read
This new shingle gives the greatest roofing value per dollar on the market, today
ETABS give homeowners more for their roofing dollars, greater protection, longer life. During times like these, when purchases are being measured with the yardstick of economy, these are vital factors in roofing sales. This EXTRA value can readily be demonstrated. The exposed edges of Setab shingles are sealed-in with a heavy coating of asphalt and crushed rock to prevent moisture absorption, and to Protect the asphalt saturant from drying out. That is why Setabs last far longer than ordinary asphalt shingles with exposed edges, yet they cost no mofe.
Flere is an exclusive feature that gives you something new to talk atesl-a genuine advantage that will awaken interest in roofing prospects you've never sold-an extra value keyed to the buying motives of today!
Tell your customers about it . . . display and feature Setabs!
Setabs are an erclusive product tor Lumber Deolars