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San Diego Lumber Executives Usher in Ne*" Year With Gridlron Dinner

The executives of the lumber firms in San Diego organized, a social luncheon club last summer which has met every Wednesclay since last August. Glen H. Miner, Whiting Mead Co., is president, and Harry C. McGahey, San Diego Lumber Co., treasurer.

The Club is limited to only executives of firms operating in the City of San Diego. is purely social; no set programs take place at the meeting, and there are no business transactions. To insure every member being present at the meetings, they paid $15.00 each in advance when the Club was organized, which covered thelr lunches until the end of the year, and anyone failing to come simply lost that amount of money, which is retained by the treasurer' The latter part of December, Treasurer McGahey announced they had $75.00 in the treasury so it was decided to spend the money on a final blowout and wind up the old year with a dinner.

The dinner was held at the Cuyamaca Club Tuesday evening, December D, and the following executives attended: Richard S. Walton, Century Lumber Co.; F. B. Culnan, Western Lumber Co.; Art Jensen, Dixie Lumber & Supply Co.; Harry Whittemote, Benson Lumber Co.; Jerry Sullivan Jr., Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Co.; Emil Klicka, Klicka Lumber Co.; Al Frost, Frost Hardwood Lumber Co.; A. B. Cadman, W. P. Fuller & Co. ; W. J. McDermott, McDermott-Miller Hardwood Co.; G. Frank

Nolan, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co.; J. Harold Peterson, Peterson Lumber & Finance Co.; Harry C. McGahey, San Diego Lumber Co.; Glen H. Miner, Whiting Mead Co.; Bill Cowling, Dixie Lurnber & Supply Co.; Orrie W. Hamilton, Lumbermen's Service Bureau of San Diego; H. E. Wyllie, Peterson Lumber & Finance Co.; Howard B. Oakleaf, Peterson Lumber & Finance Co.; Harold G. Smith, East Side Lumber Co.; R. H. Gurney, Dixie Lumber & Supply Co.; C. E. Freeman, W. P. Fuller & Co., and Frank O. Benz, San Diego Planing Mill.

The dinner was such a success the members decided to make it an annual affair in the form of a Gricliron Club as the event just naturally shaped itself around so that all the members came in for a good kidding for their activities on the part of their competitors. A special beverage was served, known as Fish House Punch, which the members thought might have been responsible for the good natured discussion that followed the dinner.

The old year cnded with the Club treasury broke, so the treasurer will again assess the members for the entire year's dues for 1937 to cover the lunches paid in advance. They are like the Chinese and clean up all obligations by the New Year.

Back From Trip

Parker Mclntyre and Arthur Baldry of W. & Son, Fortuna, manufacturers of Redwoocl turned recently from a lGday trip to Los San Francisco.

Whoteralers ol

P. Mclntyre shingles, reAngeles and

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