1 minute read


It costs but a few cents a square foot to "Heat-tea!' your homc wiih a 4' thick. ncss of PALCO VOOL 'thc insulation that peys for irsclf"in the walls and ceilings. Anyone can install it..Fuel bills will go down.at once and you'll cnjoy real comfon. Then when ihe sizzling days of summer comc your homc will bc a cool retrcat from thc scorching sun. Don't delaylnvcstigate nowl €ilyoot.eo^[er,?calcz

By selling Palco Wool, Mr. Brorn'n points out that the lumber dealer can divert some of these lost heat dollars into retail lumber channels and at the same time help reduce the cost of living for the farmer.

The current farm campaign in California farm papers will be maintained consistently throughout the year and according to Mr. Brown is only a part of an aggressive campaign being planned by the company to boost Palco Wool sales.

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