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Red River Corpletes Plant lmprovements

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Westwood, Calif.-The approach of winter marked the completion of a program of plant improvements by The Red River Lumber Company that was started early last spring. These changes, according to T. S. Walker, resident manager, affect the mill, the shipping department and the plywood factory and will result in an improved product, better service to customers. reduction of waste and loss of time and the maintenance of full employment through the midwinter months of heavy snows.

The dry kilns have been entirely replaced with a new installation of twentyfive two-tunnel units now completed and five more units are contemplated. The new kilns incorporate the latest improvements in automatic control of circulation, temperature and humidity. Uniform drying to a determined moisture content is producing lumber tinued at mill capacity until weather conditions force the camps to close. With a liberal allowance for excessive snowfall this log supply assures uninterrupted mill operation.

An emergency log storage of fifty million feet is now that is evenly seasoned and an average of half a million feet clecked at the mill while logging operations will be condaily is being turned out.

A new shipping shed 94x26O feet increases the capacity for under-roof car loading.

In the plywood factory changes in the system of preheating logs, remodelling of the veneer driers and a general realignment of equipment has increased production and made a more flexible operation. This permits full employment at all times in the three shifts that keep the factory in continuous production.


Cargo Shippers


Lew B. Train, Long Beach lumberman, has returned from several months' trip in the East which carried him through New England and thirty other states. Mr. Train reports that the country is just starting on a building boom that rvill last for several years. Lumber products should be better advertised, he states.

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