3 minute read


To Get the Best in the \trforld BUYERS ARE SENT TO Ceylon for Saphires

Belgium for Laces freland for Linens

Scotland for 'Woolens and COOS COUNTY, OREGON for Port Orford


Why not use THE BEST when it is so easily available to you?

Smith \(/ood-Products, Inc.

Largect Producerc Band Sawn Port Orford C,edar

Alco Mfgrs. of Douglas Fir Lumber and Plywood

CoQUILLE, OREGON California Saler Agents


1026 Mills Bldg.

San Francisco . Telephone SUtter l3Ej Main Officc r|35 Dlerkr Bldr. - Kans Clty, Mo-

Ralph L Smith Lumber Co.

Built [or load sizes ranging from 36'x36" to 66"x84" any length of load. Also spccial types for special needs.

Experienced Lumberman Wants Position

Experienced lumber and building material man, wholesale and retail, would like position with well established lumber company in Los Angeles or vicinity. Married man. Has had experience in all branches of the industry and has managed retail yards doing large volume of business. Address Box C-646, California Lumber Merchant.

To Manage Or Will Purchase Yard

Man with 25 years' lumber experience looking for small yard to manage, or will purchase interest in same, or if investment not too large can arrange to purchase outright for cash. Answer Box C-645, Califqnia Lumber Merchant.

Retail Yards For Sale

If you want to buy a lumber yard in Southern California' see us. We have a number to offer. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg.' Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

Redwood P:cket-Pack Fences Available Soon

Redwood Picket-Pack fences, a new effort by the California Redwood industry to meet a growing demand for modern merchandising of lumber products, will be available to every California lumber dealer by the end of January.

Fences are definitely in fashion, both in new home construct:on and improvement of older properties, but merchandising of fence material has been handicapped in the past by the inability of the buyer to visualize his product in a simple, understandable picture.

The new Redwood Picket-Pack brings simplicity to the desire for attractive home decoration. The consumer will no longer be required to reduce his needs from the per thousand board feet unit to lineal feet. Redwood PicketPack does that job for him, with 30 pickets to a pack, enough to build 10 lineal feet of fencing.

Redwood Picket-Packs are available in three point styles, Pointop, Beveltop, and Squaretop. Included in each pack will be instruction inserts, giving full information for the correct method of building the fence, together with suggested'combinations of the different point styles. Already more than 100 designs are Possible

The small size of the package and its ease of stacking requires littlg space for a sufficient stbck in lumber yards. P'cket-Packs may be ordered with any shipment of redrvood lumber.

Pacific coast paint concerns have been invited by the California Redwood Association to participate irr^ the mar' keting plan for Redwood Picket-Pick. Keen ihterest has already been shown by several of the major _co-mpalies .in preparing attractive displays of decorative finish for the riew Redwood fences.

A Real Opportunity

For sal+established lumber yard on the Coast, in fastest growing community in Southern California. Location of property not suited to present owner. Will sell stock and equipment to bona fide buyer. Principals only. Will lease property. $8,000 to $10,000 capital will handle. Address Box C-644, California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber Salesman Wanted

Good salary and commission to high class man. Must have l,ocal experience. Only hard working producer need apply. Address Box C-647, California Lumber Merchant.

Position Wanted

Lumberman with manufacturing, wholesale and retail yard management experience wants position. Managed yard in California for several years. Can furnish references and will appreciate an interview. Address Box C-643, California Lumber Merchant.


Lady experienced in bookkeeping and estimating, desires a poistion with a lumber company. Will go any place. Address Box C-649 California Lumber Merchant.

Calaveras Expansion Program

In line with the outlook for increased demand for cement on the Pacific Coast durin g 1937, Calaveras Cement Company starts out the year with a plant expansion program involving the expenditure of more than $250,000.

Details of the improvements and additions that are now being installed at the company's San Andreas plant rvere given out by William Wallace Mein, president. and are as follows:

Cottrell precipitator to eliminate the dust nttisance at the plant.

A new grindrng unit for finished cement procluction. A Smidth dense chain system for the No' 2 kiln rvhich u,ill permit important fuel economies. The same installation has already been made in No. 1 kiln and has proven highly successful.

During 1936 the company built a 6-mile haulage road connecting the plant with the high grade lime quarry; purchased a 75 B type shovel; and installed Hummer screens in the raw mills which have effected increased production capacity for that department.

Upon the completion of the new units Calaveras rvill have greatly increased plant capacity, improved operating efficiency with a resulting rednction in production costs, and will be in a position to deliver in any amounts its new Pumicite cement r,vhich rvas recently introduced on the California market, in addition to its ordinary cement plastic and white cement products. This Pumicite cement is a high standard portlan d-puzzolan cement which in some parts of Europe sells at a premium over other cements.

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