5 minute read
Above: This stcrir lcnding, linished in dcrk-stained American White Ock, enhcrnces the crppointments ol c privcrte home in Pclo Alto. Prol. A. B. Clcrrk, <rrchiiect.
Lelt The ultimcrte in fine crcrltsmccrship is cdequcrtely expressed in the noble proportions oI this stqirccse qnd cqrved balustrcde oI smcll flcke Asictic Ocrk in cr Scnr Mqrino home. Myron Hunt cmd H. C. Chcrmbers, crchitects.
The California Redwood
O giant beautiful ! With grace You tower above the crowded space, Aristocrat of time and place; You seek to pierce the clouds.
What latent force formed first a seed That gave the earth this giant breed Of tree, that men might find and fqed Their souls on beautv rare.
Tho' man oft takes for his delight What you, thro' centuries, day and night, Have built, while growing to such height He worships at your shrine.
And tho' you yield to men such part As fits their need; and in the mart You join displays that make an art Of building happy homes.
Yet in the spot your going made So desolate-speming betrayedNew growth like yours will soon pervade T'he scene you long had crowned.
Mary Harrison Cole.
Warehouse Enlarged
T. M. Cobb Co., wholesale sash, doors, mouldings and plywoods, Los Angeles and San Diego, recently enlarged the Los Angeles warehouse at 580O Central Avenue, adding an additional 4,00O square feet of floor space.
Los Angeles Visitor
G. A. Williams, sales manager of the Peterman Manufacturing Co., Tacoma, Wash., was a I-os Angeles visitor the early part of the month.
Back From Northwest
J. H. Prentice, Bloedel-Donovan Lumter Mills, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Prentice spent the holidays in Bellingham and Seattle, Wash.
Scott L. Boyd Retires from Lumber Buginess-Closes Yard
Scott L. Boyd, president of the Boyd Lumber & Mill Company, Santa Barbara, retired from the lumber business on January 1 and closed the yard, selling the stock, trucks and goodwill to the Union Mill & Lumber Co. of that city, of which Arthur J. McAdams is manager.
Mr. Boyd has'been in the lumber business forty years, in Riverside, Monrovia, Glendora, and for the past twentyfive years in Santa Barbara. He is president of the First Savings & Loan Association of Santa Barbara, and has other interests to which he will devote his time.
Francis E. Boyd, who was vice-president of the company, is going with the lJnion Mill & Lumber Company. He has been connected with the lumber business for the past twenty-eight years.
Building construction in San Francisco during 1938, valued at $23,232,331, was the greatest since 1929. With 8061 permits issued during the year, cost of planned construction exceeded the 1937 total by more than $3,000,000. A $2,700,000 increase was recorded in home construction rvith cost estimated at $10,848,956.
During 1929 building construction amounted to $33,000,000. Bridge construction during 1933 accounted for a $56,000,000 building program of which only $11,000,000 was regular construction.
American Wooden Boxes And Crates
Nearly 15 per cent of the total annual lumber production of the United States finds its way to market in the form of sawed wooden containers, according to the Forest Products Division of the Department of Commerce, in an,nouncing the publication of another of a series of nontechnical reports designed to promote a keener world-wide interest in the products of the forest industries by briefly discussing their properties and applications.
Copies of American Wooden Boxes and Crates, Trade Promotion Series No. 188, may be obtained at 10 cents each from the Superintendent of Documents at the Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., or through any of the district offices of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce which will be found located in important commercial centers throughout the United States.
There's the love of a man for a maid, There's the love of a staunch, gcod man, There's the love of a babe, who's unafraid, They've existed since time began. But the wonderful loveThe love of lovesE'en greater than that of a mother, Is that infinite, passionate, tender love, Of one old drunk for another.
The doctdr had just broken the news to little Jimmy that an angel had just brought him a little brother.
"And would you like to see the little brother?" asked the doctor.
"Nope," said little Jimmy. "But I'd sure like to take a peek at that angel."
Laws Of The Monastery
If any pilgrim monk come from distant parts, if with us wish as a guest to dwell in the monastery, and will be content with the customs which he finds in the place, and do not perchance by his lavishness disturb the monastery, but is simply content with what he finds, he shall be received for as long a time as he desires. If, indeed, he find fault with anything, or expose it, reasonably, and with the humility of charity, the Abbot shall discuss it prudently, lest perchance God had sent for this very thing. But, if he have been found gossipy and contumacious in the time of his sojourn as guest, not only ought he not to be joined to the body of the monastery, but dso it shall be said of him, honestly, that he must depart. If he does not go, let two stout monks, in the name of God, explain the matter to him.-St. Benedict.
That Was All
The two colored brothers in the jail house were talking things over.
"Bi,o!t," said one. "flow come you got in disheah jailhouse, anyhow?"
"Niggah," said the other. "H'it wuz jus a misunderstandin'."
"How you mean h'it wuz a misunderstandin'?"
"Well, Suh, h'it wuz disaway. Ah thought that thing wrrz a cash registah, an twant nuthin but jus a typewritah."
The Astronomer
The blue immensities are his;
He knows our earth for what it is, An elfin sphere within the void, A ball the cosmic Titans toyed And lost within their ample robes
While they built other, greater globes
To circle other, greater suns
Than ours, in that sidereal scene
So vast, so silent, and serene
O'er which his practiced vision runs.
Affairs of earth he lightly views, He burns to read the cosmic nEeys. The mighty orbs of Betelguese, Antares and Aldebaran
Engage his thought, meshed in the plan Of systems little known to man.
He sees the seething star-dust stir Or views the moons of Jupiter; Explores the limitless expanse
That on some new world he may chance; Some world undreamed of by his kind, Which one day haply he may find. And when 'tis imaged on his plate No victor could be more elate. His bold guess he now shows as true, And sends forth proof to dazzle you, While you in shop your yardsticks ply He spans vast spaces of the sky, And measures from his lofty stage Trillions of miles with light-year gauge.
His science, with its old restraints
He frees from superstitions' taints; IIe treats as myths the ancient lore Of earth's first days, but mo,re and more He seeks a true Apocalypse
In the corona of eclipse, Or where the nebulae immerse
Far corners of the universe, And hide within their mystic grail, Vast secrets he shall yet unveil.
-Baily Millard.
Impropriety is the soul of wit.-Somerset Maugham.