4 minute read
Ten of The Years Ago Today
From the Files California Lumbet Merchant, Januarv 15, 1929
Douglas Fir cargo receipts at Los ing l92B totaled I,II2,422,00O feet. ceipts were 83,527,000 feet.
Angeles harbor durRedlvood cargo re-
Douglas Fir cargo arrivals at San Francisco in 1928 amounted to 575,22I,M ieet. Redwood cargo arrivals were 274.100.000 feet.
Glick Brothers Sash & chased five acres of land for a retail lumber yard.
Door Company, Los Angeles, purat 8400 Alameda Street as a site
Los Angeles building permits f.or L928 totaled 9101,678,768 as compared with $123,027,237 in 1977.
Park Lumber Company, La new warehovse,26 by 100 feet, ials.
Mesa, has constructed a for storing building mater-
Ben Maisler, Maisler Brothers Lumber Company, Fresno, and Mrs. Maisler, left for a ten months' tour of Europe.
Max 8,. Cook attended a conference of the sales representatives of the Great Soutl-rern Lumber Co. at Bogalusa, La., and D'Lo, Miss. He addresse.d the meeting at D'Lo, his subject being "Promotion of Redwood Sales."
Hammond Lumber Redwood ties aboard for the completion of
Company shipped 3,500,000 feet of the steamer Missoula to Guatemala a railroad there.
The Pacific Lumber Company ment of L. W. Blinn II, rvho has San Francisco office. as salesman announced the appointbeen connected with the in the Coast territorv. reports I, E, Vintlle, (Portland,, Oregon contractor) ol
C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation announced the transfer of Russell T. Gheen of the San Francisco office to Los Angeles, and of Arthur B. Griswold from the Los Angeles office to San Francisco.
At the annual conference of the Millwork Institute of California held at San Francisco, J. G. Kennedy of San Francisco, and A. J. Todhunter of Los Angeles, rvere elected vice-oresidents.
One of the largest business combinations in the history of Pacific Coast industry was announced by H. M. Eichelberger between the Pioneer Paper Company of Los Angeles, the Flintkote group of companies, manufacturers of roofings and asphalt shingles, with headquarters in Boston, Mass., and the Shell Company, international oil producing organization.
One hundred and twenty-five children were entertained at the Christmas party sponsored by San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club at the Clift Hotel, December 20. M. L. (Duke) Euphrat acted a Santa Claus and each child was given a Christmas gift.
Consolidation of The Northu'est Paper Company, Cloquet Lumber Company, Johnson-Wentrvorth Company, The Northern Lumber Company, and other subsidiaries in the Weyerhaeuser affiliation of forest products industries at Cloquet, Minn., into One corporation named The Northwest Paper Company, was announced.
Two hundred lumbermen enjoyed the dinner and entertainment provided by East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club at the annual Christmas party held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, December 17. H. Sewall Morton presided, and Rod Hendrickson acted as Santa Claus.
The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club was host to one hundred children at a Christmas party held at the Commercial Club, December 21. Following the luncheon there was an excellent entertainment program. The children were presented with Christmas gifts.
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The Magic Day
He walked beside me all the way, A presence fraught with charm and grace, And on each dim, enchanted trail His footsteps with my own kept pace; We wandbred through forsaken camps And gulches desolate and bare, And from a fragrant mountain side, Looked down on valleys green and fair.
In Calaveras grove that dayA templed shrine of green and gold, We paused in tender reverie
While there to me a tale he told; And at the music of his voice. The present faded from my view, And caught as in a magic spell I dreamed the dreams of youth anew.
I heard a river's song of "Gold," Beneath great mountains of the west, Upon whose gleaming peaks at night The weary stars lean down to rest; I heard familiar voices ring And greetings of the past renew, And soon the forest aisles lvere thronged With forms and faces that I'knew.
Brown waited in the shadows there, With Yuba Bill and wild M'liss, And Hamlin's voice like song of bird Rang through the haunted wilderness; I saw the scorned of Poker Flat, And wept again for Tennessee, Fair Miggles came with laughter sweet, The hapless Luck smiled up at me.
A passing breeze the forest swayed, The fragrances of many flowers
Swept by on noiseless, unseen wingsThe souls perchance of long dead hours; Then slorvly faded from my sight
The forms and faces that I knew, And with them passed the one whose hand Had limned them once with colors true.
Oh grave beneath grey English skies, You could not hold his spirit there, For in the haunts he used to love, It lingers still, a presence rare; And as the long years come and go, Though far I roam by land and sea, My heart in tender memory holds
The day when Bret lfarte walked with me.
-A. Merriam Conner.
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