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Secretary Wants Position
Young lady capable of handling general office work (including bookkeeping) in lumber business seeks position. Has had several years experience in San Francisco. Excellent references. San Francisco Bay district preferred. Phone VAlencia 627A ot address box C-733 California Lumber Merchant.
Wiit Seii
the most prolitable Lumber crnd Building Mctericl Business
Northern Cclilornicl
Investment up to $100,000
Address Box C-735-Cqlilorniq Lumber Merchcrnt
U. S. Lumber Exports and lmports
(Continued from Page 28)
States and Canada allotted Canada an annual quota of 250,000,000 board feet of Douglas fir and Western hemlock to enter the United States at $2.00 duty and excise tax. From January I to October D, 1938, imports of these woods subject to this quota totaled 139,282,365 board feet, according to preliminary figures supplied by the Bureau of the Customs and Treasury Department. According to the new Canadian trade agreement which beco,mes effective January I, 1939, imports of Douglas fir and Western hemlock will not be subje'ct to a quota limitation.
The Bureau of Customs announced September D that the quota on importation of red cedar shingles from Canada was filled September 28. Therefore, further importations of this comm,odity may not be admitted to entry for constrmption until January 1, 1939. By the new Canadian trade agreement, effective January l, 1939, the absolute limit on the quantity of Canadian red cedar shingles (duty free) which may enter the United States has be'en abolished. However, the United States has reserved the right, the exercise of vuhich rvould require action of Congress, to impose a customs duty on imports in excess of a quantity equal to 3O per cent of the average annual consum,ption during the three preceeding years. Such a duty may not exceed 25 cents per square (about l0 per cent ad valorem).
Detailed monthly statistics on the U. S. exports and imports of hardwood and soft'ivood logs and lumber are compiled by the Bureau ,of Foreign and Domestic Commerce and are available from the Bureau on a subscripti,on basis. Special statistics covering imports subject to quota are comrriled by the Customs Bureau and are made available to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
Wholesale Lumber Salesman Wanted
F'irst class salesman wanted by A-1 wholesale concern to begin activities immediately. Must be well acquainted with the trade in both Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys and one who can "Deliver the Goods." Address Box C-734, California Lurnber Merchant.
Wants Wholesale Lumber Connection
Wants position with Los Angeles wholesale lumber firm, either as outside salesman or in the office. Now employed as retail yard salesman. Twenty-five years of age; married. Can give excellent references. Address Box C-736, California Lumber Merchant.
Capable Lumberman Needs Position
Single man. Twenty years' wholesale and retail experience, seeks position as bookkeeper oir sales assistant to wholesaler. Also, is experienced yard estimator and bookkeeper. Six years with California yards. Go anywhere. Write or wire. Fred Kozak, 2551-A St., San Diego, CaI. LUMBER YARDS
For Sale
Very fine Los Angeles suburban yard. Fine living conditions. Real estate $6,000 but could be bought on terms. Improvements and equipment $L2,250. fnventory $10,000. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
For Sale
Machinery and equipment of the Boyd Lumber & Mill Co., including Ross carrier and electrical equipment. Communicate with Mead & Wagner or Boyd Lumber & Mill Co.. Santa Barbara.
Al Hackett With U. S. Plywood Corp.
A. C. (Al) Hackett has succeeded Fred B. Smales in the sales department of United States Plywood Corporation, Los Angeles.
Formerly with Roddis Plywood & Door Cornpany, Nerv York City, Mr. Hackett became a member of the staff of United States Plywood Corporation two months ago.
Mr. and tvt.,.
the arrivar or a baby daughter, born on December 19. Mr. Bugley is with the Hayward Lumber & fnvestment Co. in.their l-os Angeles office.
Buys Yard At El Monte
N. Whitacre, Inc., have sold their retail lumber yard at 2ll2 West Garvey Blvd., El Monte, to E. Bregman. He will operate the business under the name of Cal-West Lumber Co.
John S. Ross, Jr., production manager, wood Co., Rockport, Caif., and Mrs. Ross, several days in Los Angeles.
Rockport Redrecently spent