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Corporation -Inoestment Counselors cnd Ailministratipe Economists-Founded f904 551 Fifth Avenue, New York


I{ave you ever seen that advertisement-hunt, fish and trap-be a forest ranger? Well, there's something to it, says Assistant Forest Supervisor Norman L. Norris of the Sequoia National Forest with headquarters at Porterville. Forest rangers have been doing it for years-hunting for a r,l'ay to cram two days' work into one; fishing for an ans\\rer to some complicated land management problem, and trapping themselves by dropping in at the Forest Supervisor's office just in time for that gentleman to assign a particularlv tough job he was wondering how to get done.

That's the way the forest rang'er hunts, fishes and traps.

Mr. and Mrs. L. i.T.ffift"::"r".. the arrival or a baby daughter, Lorraine l-ois, born at the University Hospital, Culver City, on Christmas day. Mr. Turnbull is Southern California and Arizona representative for the Shevlin Pine Sales Company with headquarters in Los Angeles. He reports that Mrs. Turnbull and the new baby are doing nicely.

Port Orford Cedar

(Also known cs White Cedqr or Lcwgon Cypregs) LumberTiesCrossing PlcnksDeckingTunnel TimbersVenetiqn Blind Stock Also Suppliers ol SPUT NEDWOOD, DOUGTAS FI8, BED CEDAB, T'NTNEATED AND CREOSOIED PNODUCTS

This label on Red Cedcr Shingleg is receiviag cdded recogni- tion dcily. Il mecrns thct these shingles hcve been ccrelully gncded cnd inspected in etricl crccordcrnce with U. S. stcndcr& -100% clecr l00o/o edge grciw l00o/o hecrtwood. They cleo mecsure up to cll building csaociqlion requirements. Becommeud cnd sell P.C.S.I.B. CERTIFIED Red Cedcr Sbingle* They will deliver customer sctislcction crnd build new business. Lilercture on requ€at.

PACIFIC C0AST SHII{GII INSPICTI0I{ BUREAU, Inc., Stuart Building, Secttle, Wcrshington.

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