1 minute read
Lumber dealer uses CRAW.FIR.DORS on
own home!
AS LOWASMrr. .rrckon ir r too, She uyr, "Th* are the eariot opeu. ing gango dorr I kror of. iet rc rearouably priced aoy. onecan afrord tbem !" Let the Craw-Fi..Dor put you back in tbo overhead.type garago ,ett: Mr. ,acksoD doo. bu!ine!!.
O lhrold D. Jaclison is typical of hundreds of alert lumber dealers who have discovered that Craw-FirDors can be one of their fastest moving items. Are you profidng, too?
The Craw-Fir-Dor has everything ^ tested, approved door of durable Douglas fir; extra strength hardware; free-spinning automobile trunk-type lock. It's pre-fitted for 8'x 7'openings; is weather-stripped; comes with complete instructions so that any carpenter can install it in less than half a day.
Even with all this, the 8-panel design sells for only $28 in any U.S.A. jobbing qsnssl-ths new fush-type for just $29-and the 2 other designs for only a dollar or so more. If you aren't cashing in on the immense popularity of this door, order today from your distributor. For more information, write Fir Doot Institute, Tacoma, Washington.
& Gardoss