9 minute read

UICTl| R Eigh Early Strength PORTI.AND


Gucncmteed to meet or exceed reguirements ol Anericcm Society lor Testing Mcrtericrls Sppcilications lor High Ecrly Strength Portlcrnd Cement cs well crs Federcl Speciliccrtions lor Cement Portlcmd, High-Ecnly-Sbength, No. SS-C-201.


(28 dcry concrete strengths in 2{ hours.)


(Besult ol compound composition cad usuclly louad only in spocial cenentr dcsignred for this purPo8e.)

ilnmuil DXPAIf$OIf ard C0ilTnA$I0t

(Extrenely aeyore cruto-ckrve test results consistently indiccte prccticcrlly no expcnsion or conbcrction, thus elirnincting one ol most rlifficult problems in use oI cr high ecrrly skength cemenL)


(UseE' qasurcnco ol fresh stock unilonnity crnd proper resultE lor concrete.)

Mcnrulactured by

PONTilIID CEIIIETIT GODIPAIIY qt our Vidorill., Cnlilonric, 'lllet Proceer" Mill.

727 Well Seventb Street Lor Angclcr, Cclilgrutc

Zay Smith of Chicago is among the top-ranking designers of modern structures for industrial and business use. As consulting architect of United Air Lines, he is responsible not only for design but for selection of materials in the numerous new airport buildings and uptown ticket offices United is providing for its patrons. One of the latest is at the Portland-Columbia Airport in Oregon. Following the most modern trend, which is away from the fad of grim geometrical forms of cold materials and toward use of the natural rvarmth of rvood for interiors of buildings that serve the public, Architect Smith chose Douglas fir paneling and Douglas fir beams for ceiling treatment in United's new Oregon home.

Other West Coast woods were also used, for highlights and shadings. The rvalls inside the ticket counter are


The new officers of the Tacoma Lumbermen,s Club for 1941 selected by the new board of trustees are: Cecil C. Cavanaugh, Cavanaugh Lumber Company, president; paul M. Smith, Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation, vice-president; and August Von Boecklin, Washington Manufacturing Co., secretary.

The Club held its 21st annual banquet recently and was attended by about 300 lumbermen.

Selects Douglas Fir lor

Paneling and Beams in United Air Lines Buildins

Interior view oI United Air Lines building crt Portltrnd-Columbic cirport in Oregon paneled in West Coast hemlock, rvhile the counter itself is bright Sitka spruce. The walls of the hallu'ay to the rest rooms and the telephone booths are in tl-re rich shades of Western red cedar. The lobby furnitttre is also wooti, warm and inviting.

The warmth and hues of nature in these r,voods are preserved in natural finish. The ceiling beams are formed of laminated vertical grain Douglas fir clear timbers.

With the rising favor of leading architects for Douglas fir interior treatment and for the glued laminated arch of this material in small churches and auditoriums, retail lumber dealers are finding new outlets {or important business.

1940 Building Rated Best In Io Years

Washington, Jr.. S.-The Commerce Departmer-rt said that preliminary estimates indicated 194O building construction would total $9,925,000,000, an increase of. 2rl per cent over 1939 and the largest since 1930.

Secretary Jones said "private residential, commercial and factory building will all show substantial gains in 1941 if demand is not restricted by an increase in prices and costs."

The Minimum Cost Home is Rising Star More Speculative Building Next Few of Building, Survey Shows Years, Says Report

Month by month the trend in home-building shorvs the lorv-cost home of lumber rising in popular favor, according to recent Government reports. Emphasizing this fact, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board states that October. 194O, was the best single month in number of dwelling units since 1929, in all cities of 10,000 population or over.

"Other authoritative surveys show that the consistent increase in number of dwelling units this year has its major sour,ce in the small home of lumber," states C. W. Pinkerton, chairman of Southern California Elomes Foundation. "Families of moderate income are building rvhile the building is good-and it is still very good. Despite tremendous Defense requirements for building materials and labor, the home that cost $3,000 in October, 1939, would cost no more than $3,075 in October, 194O, on the basis of Government building cost indexes. Home financing costs, under the FHA plan, are much less in 1940 than in 1939, u'ith the interest base lowered from 5/o to 4%%."

Southern California Homes Foundation, keeping pace with the small-home trend, is presenting a series of minimum-cost home designs which were created to provide dwellings of modern plan and sound construction for families in defense industry areas.

Sunrooms Popular

A sunroom provides a place for recreational activities and at the same time promotes health.

Chicago, Dec. 28.-More houses u'ill be built speculatively during the next few years than has been characteristic in recent years, according to the report of the committee on construction loan policies and procedures of the United States Savings and Loan League.

"Conditions have changed to the extent that only 50 per cent of the homes erected today are built to order for an owner, the balance being built speculatively by operative builders u'ho build from 100 to 300 houses a vear." said the report.

Buy Yard At Merced

Albert H. Vieth and Walter Beckemeir have formed a partnership and purchased the Phinney Lumber Company in JIerced, taking over the business on January 1. They will carry a complete line of lumber and building materials.

Mr. Vieth was manag'er of The Diamond Match Company's yard at Manteca for the past seven years, and prior to that was connected with their yard at Marysville. Mr. Beckemeir has been with them at their Manteca yard for the last two years.


NIrs. John Seemann of Minnesota has arrived in Encinitas for an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Seemann. Mr. Seemann is her son and operates the Seemann Ltrmber Company.

BV laej, Siaaaa

Age not guarantecd---Some I have told lor 20 years---Some Lcss

No Dallerence of Opinion in Court

The judge was a kindly old gentleman, and the young lawyer, pleading his first criminal case, was decidedly nervous, and showed it in every word and movement. Addressing himself to the jury, and fumbling among his papers with shaking hands, he said:

"My unfortunate client - - -" and then his voice choked up on him.

He started over: "My unfortunate client - - -", and again the voice went entirely back on him, and he had to stop


San Francisco-H. W. von Morpurgo, director of the public and industrial relations departments of The Paraffine Cos. Inc., has resigned to join the staff of Young & Rubicam, Inc., advertising agency.

Plans call for Mr. von Morpurgo to be a member of the San Francisco staff although he will spend the next feu, months in the New York office of the agency.


A. L. Stockton Lumber Company, one of the oldest business firms in Daly City, Calif., is making extensive improvements at its plant. Waterproof Redwood plywood n'ill make the 112 feet of frontage of the building very attractive. Additional remodeling will also be made.




P. O. BOX 257

Long Becch, Ccrlilomicr Office foot of Scmtcr Clcrc Ave.

Loug Becch G62-rll TELEPHoNES' *o',.r,,"ron 2091

Loa Angele:, NEvcdc 6-1789

PROMPT, COMPI.EIE LI'MBEN HANDIJNG SERVICE like a hunter with buck ague.

He mopped his moist brow desperately to get hold of himself, and started over: "My unfortrrnate client -- -" but it wouldn't work. His voice ended in a whisper.

The judge came to his rescue. Smiling down on the young man in the most kindly fashion, he said:

"You may proceed with your statement, Mr. Black. So far as you've gone the court is entirely in agreement with you."

Sells Interest In Lumber Yard

Mrs. Ada H. March has sold her interest ir-r the \\'. B. March Lumber Company at Ivanhoe to E. C. X,iiles of Fullerton. The late W. B. March and E. C. Miles established the business in 1913. After the death of Mr. March in 1931, Mrs. March continued on with the business until the present time. Clifford Anderson is the nelv manager of the lumber business with Elmo Polly assisting in the yard.

Mrs. N arch ou'ns and operates the Ivanhoe Water Company, and rvill continue to look after those interests.


Harvey Hatch and Miss Marie Brunner u'ere rnarried at Reno last month and are making their home in Half X{oon Bay.

Mrs. Hatch is the daughter of Mr. and l\[rs. Antone Brunner of Half Moon Bay. Mr. Hatch is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alr'in Hatcl'r, and is associated with his father in the Hatch Lumber ComDanv at Half Moon Bar'.

Transferred To Manteca Yard

William Ness, manager of The Diam,ond NIatch Company at Galt for the past trvo years. has been named manager of the company's yard at Manteca. lle succeeds A. H. Vieth, who recently resigned to go into business for himself in Merced.

Rcprerenting in Southcrn Calilornia: The Paciftc Lumber Company-Wendling-Nathan Co

5995 Wilshire Blvd. Lor Angelcr


Tclephonc YOrk 1168

Ralaxation of \(/age Hour Divisions Ruling on Processing or Planins Mill Operations Possible

C. W. Pinkerton, secretary of the Southern California Retail Lumbermen's Association, on January 2 received the following telegram from H. R. Northup, secretary of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, regarding the possibility of relaxation of the Wage Hour Divisions ruling on processing and planing mill operations:

"Relaxation of Wage Hour Divisions severe ruling on processing or planing mill operations possible. Please let us have first your recommendations as to extent to which this should be done, second your best judgment as to extent to which processing or millwork operations are conducted by the yards in your territory, what percentage of total business would be represented by this type activity and extent to which processing activities if any are conducted in segregated operations on premises, also average number employes each yard engaged this type work. Important we have this information not later tl-ran Tuesday morning, January seventh."

In reply to Mr. Northup's telegram Mr. Pinkerton u'rote him as follows:

"Regarding relaxation of Wage and Hour Division ruling. Your wire on this question on hand. In replying will say that it is almost impossible to give you definite figures. However, we will paint the picture'of this type of work as it is operated here in Southern California.

"The large yards in the metropolitan area operate a planing mill, usually as a se,parate department of their business, although it is located in their yard. Practically all of the smaller yards in the urban territories and districts operate some type of mill machinery. This, in practically all cases. is operated by their regular yard help and they do rvork only in remanufacturing and processing of material for their own customers' orders, doing no general milling business for the public whatsoever. The percentage of this business of the whole would be impossible to even make a shreu'd guess but the attitude of the Wage and Hour Department here has been any yard that was operating woodworking machines they automatically placed them under the jurisdiction of the Act. This is indeed one' of the halters the Government is placing around the neck of the lumber industry and any relaxation would naturally be appreciated by the dealers.

"According to our records there are none of the retail dealers in the metropolitan area that does manufacturing and shipping in interstate commerce. The bulk of their work being the supplying and servicing of their own orders and that naturally would fall on the percentage of what their general sales were of retail We have no records available of the total number of yards operating any woodworking machinery. Neither do we have any record of the amount of business that that class of w'ork represents. \Me have endeavored to give you a picture of the general situation here in Southern California and hope that it may be of some benefit to you."

Mr. Irumber Dealer:


Use our stocks oI THE BEST in:








E. I, STAI{T0I| & Sot{

4lst d Alcrmedcr

Los Angeles, Ccrlil.

Wholesole lumber d direct mill shiphents.

People cbose hoEe colstrucliol nct€ricls that bcve ncde Eood wirh neigbbors. TLct's why eye-lilliag stucco iobr thct r€tqin their smcrt cppocrclce plcry such m imporlant pcrt ia wiaaiug new buaiaer lor plastoriDg colttcclora, It in't hcrd to build stucco ths best wcy-wectherprool qod durcble. One oI tho best contrqcton putl it tbis wcy!

McLe cerlail thct the siructure iB rigid od wellJtamed, qad tle bcse O.f. protective slructurct de- tcils properly desigmed reialorcenent complotely enbedded ia lhe moltcr Uge oly slucco mode wirh PORTLAND CEMENT or WATERPBOOFED PORTLAND CEMENT lor cll coqte-nixed, cpplied cnd cured cccordiag io qpprovod netho&. PoRTtAlto cEitENT Ass0ctriloil Dept. I Ib-24, 816 W. Filth Sr. Loe Aageler, Cclil. A natlorcl o.lanlzrtion lo InDflc tnd rxland tho uu ot concrctc . , thmueh slontlllo m!ilmh end rnllnorln! tcld york.

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