3 minute read
e 'Seabees" rr-Ne*" Navy ,& onstruction Battalions rrr The "Seab ees" --- J Construction Battal
Particufarly Interest
This is a shor,t story about the "SEABEES."
We are running it because Tun CaItFoRNIA Luntnnn Mnncuewl.believes that here is a new unit of the war services that is unusually interesting to the lumber industry.
To start with, .just what are the "SEABEES?" ,They are .men who enlist in the Construction Battalions (C. B.'s) of the United States Navy, whose particular business will be the building of advance and mobile bases for our armed forces outside the continental limits of the United States.
It is to be made up of construction men-skilled ,,construction men-who will, however, be thoroughly trained in the beginning in military tactics, and when assigned to duty will be able, should the occasion arise, to €ngage in combat. In other words, they may 'be sent to do a construction job on some foreign shore, 'but may'have to drop their machines and grab their machine guns if the emergency arises. Buitheir primary job is constructipn.
l'Phqtos cgFrtosy ft :|ry3"iryv;ltews Record.
It looks to Tnn Celrronxle Lulrnrn MnncueNr as though this affords a more than ordinary opportun- ity for the lumber people of the Pacific Coast territory to help win the war, by helping the Navy recruit and secure these Construction Battalions, newest unit of Uncle Sam's Navy. Because for the lumber folks to help fill the ranks of the "SEABEES" is what might be called "a natural," since they are in the construction business, and closely affiliated with and interested in construction men in everv territorv. The "SEABEES" may well be the answer to the question that thousands of men of construction experience are everywhere asking, which is "how can I use what I know in helping to win this war."
The Navy right today is urgently in need of both officers and enlisted men for ,,SEABEES.,, ft wants men who have large and useful experience in the construction field. One hundred and-eight thousand men and officers are wanted immediately. So, you lumber folks who know the people of your com- munity,.post yourself on what the "SEABEEStt are and what they mean and spread the news of this opportunity to the men of your towns and territories who would seem to fit in.
Prospective officer material would include men with considerable construction experience, who have held positions as supervisors, superintendents, assistant supervisors, or foremen for large construction projects. Since such men must command construction battalions, they must be able and competent to organize jobs, and plan and coordinate the use of men and equipment. A total of 2376 offi,cers are needed at once. Officers for a typical construction battalion include l0WarrantOfficers.
6 Ensigns, 4 Lieutenants ( j.g.), 6 Lieutenants, and one Lieutenant Commander. Men desiring to apply for commissions in the "SEABEES," should call or write immediately at their nearest Office of Naval Officer Procurement. Of only Ensigns and Lieutenants ( j.g.), are college degrees required. The other ranks call for ttknow-how," based on extensive field experience.
Openings for enlisted men include the entire range of the construction field, including blacksmith, blacksmith helper, bulldozer operator, carpenter, concrete worker, construction worker, crane operator, dredge hand, quarry driller, electrician, engine operator, excavation foreman, dredge fireman, gas and diesel repairman, labor foreman, launchman, dredge mate, shop mechanic, crusher mechanic, crane and engine oiler, shovel opefator, p_ainter, piledriver foreman, plumber and pipefitter, pipelayer, powdermanf rigger, road machine operator, sheet metal workel, coppersmith, steel-worker, telephone man, truck driver, water tender, welder, wharfbuilder. baker, boatswain, chainman, chauffeur, clerk, cook, construction worker, diver, draftsmen of all kinds, instrumenhlen, mail cler\ photographer, rodman, sailmakeq steward, storekeeper. Men with these qualifications should apply at their nearest NavyRecruitingStation.
The pay for enlisted men on top,of subsistence and quarters is good, ranging from 954 at home and 964.80 abroail., to 9126 at home and $lSl.20 abroad.
Men from the ages of 17 to 50 are included in the "SEABEES.t'
The "SEABEES" were born when the J^aps attacked Pearl Harbor, and captured Guam,. Wake, and Cavite, thereby making untenable the construction of advance base facilities by civilian contractors. With everv advance base a potential point of combat, every newly won beach-head a construction site, and practically every foreign landing point for American soldiers needing prompt and efficient construction work, the Navy decided to create its own division for handling such construction activities. And that is when "SEABEES" were born. The destination of men who enlist in this interesting branch of the Navy may be anywhere that American troops have gone or are planning to go. The whole world is in their range of possibilities.

Lumbermen. tell vour local friends about the "SEABEES." Tell them that here is a singularly interesting opportunity for two-fisted, red-blooded Americans who know construction, to serve shoulder-to-shoulder with the combatant forces of our countrv. In that way you can do a grand service to both you. c6,rntry and youi l-ocal construction friends who are seeking the right sort of service.
This is an opportunity.