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TTDEEENSE or WEn EEQAIEEIIIENTS" Pacifis Wood Products GorlDoration

Sash and Door Manufacturers

3600 Tyburn Street, Lros Angeles Telephone Alrbany 0101

L. W. MacDonald will Continue Business Post-War Home Building Under His Own Name

Due to ill health, C. A. Bergstrom is retiring from active business and the partnership of MacDonald & Bergstrom, Los Angeles, wholesale lumber dealers, was dissolved as of January 9. L. W. MacDonald will continue the business under his own name.

L. A. Beckstrom will be associated with Mr. MacDonald and they will continue to represent lrwin & Lyons of North Bend, Oregon.

Mr. MacDonald will occupy the same offices at732 PetroIeum Building, and the telephone number remains the same, PRospect 7194.

In Armed Services

The following employes of the Western Hardwood Lumber Company are in the armed services: Harry F. Shaw, Clarence A. Strain, Donald LaFleur, James O. Elliott, T. B. Telles, R. A. Brotherton, B. G. Bunn, E. W. Godshalk, H. E. Loomis, J. P. Patapov, P. T. Rodriquez, A. C. Andrews, William F. Brown, R. E. Crotty, Robert James Weber and William G. Hanen.

Glenn Burke Now Lieutenant

Glenn A. Burke, formerly salesman for the Union Lumber Company in Sonoma and Sacramento Valley territories, recently received his commission as 2d Lieutenant at Officers' Training School, and is temporarily assigned to Oakland.

Sharp revival in privately financed homebuilding during the post-war period is anticipated by many bankers active in the home mortgage field, according to a survey of banking opinion on the post-war home financing outlook appearing in the current issue of the Insured Mortgage Portfolio, ofifrcial publication of the Federal Housing Administration.

While the existence of numerous problems in the home financing field is conceded, most of the statements contributed to the survey indicate a belief that a large volume of housing construction will be one of the principal means of bridging the transition between a wartime and a peacetime economy so as to maintain maximum employment and industrial activity, and to advance the national standard of living after the war is won.

Emphasis is put upon new technological developments in materials and methods of construction.


The next regular dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club will be held on Monday evening, January 25, at Hotel Leamington, Oakland.

Earl Chalfan, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Oakland, is program chairman. There will be entertainment and a speaker on an interesting subject.

Richmond Yard Closes

The Tilden Lumber Company, 15th and Nevin Streets, Richmond, operated by E. M. Tilden, recently closed its vard for the duration.

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