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Sash Doors Millwork Panels \(/all Board TIryENTY YEAAS AGO

Fronr the January I€i, lO23 Issue

This issue carried an article by Peter B. Kyne, popular fiction writer, in which he gave his impressions of the Red Cedar Shingle Congress at Seattle and the banquet of the Portland Lumbermen's Club at Portland, Ore., where he, A. J. (Gus) Russell and Jack Dionne were special guests.

The Pacific Lumber Company at Scotia completed the building of the first wing of the company's new hotel, and the construction of a new storage shed, 650 feet by 25O f.eet, was well under way.

N. H. Parsons, for twenty-five years owner and manager of the Parsons Lumber Company at Rockford, Ill., sold his interests there and arrived in Los Angeles to remain permanently. Mr. Parsons is a past director in both the Illinois Retail Lumberman's Association and National Retail Lumbermen's Association.

E. T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Company, and Earl E. White, The California Door Company, were re-elected president and secretary, respectively, at a meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club held at the Del Paso Country Club, North Sacramento. They were each presented with a gold fountain pen and pencil.

Alley Bros., retail lumber firm at corporated.

Santa Monica, was in-

An illustrated article of the American Hardwood Company, Los Angeles, appeared in this number.

Jack Dionne, publisher of The California Lumber Merchant, and George M. Cornwall, editor of the Timberman, were voted honorary members of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco at the luncheon meeting held at the Palace Hotel on December 18. J. E. Martin, The California Lumber Merchant, was admitted to active membership in the Club.

At the annual meeting of the Douglas Fir Club of San Francisco, the following officers were elected: Walter C. Ball, J. R. Hanify Co., president; Frank O'Connor, Donovan Lumber Co., vice-president, and Frank Paramino, Paramino Lumber Co., secretary-treasurer.

Peoples Lumber Company, of extensive improvements on Sterling Lumber Company, Adams Lumber Company yard

Moorpark, started a program its office and yard.

Oakland, purchased the at Saratoga.

Port Orford Cedar

(Also Lnowa cg Wbile Cedcn or Lawaon Cypresr)

LumberTiesCrossing PlanksDeckingTunnel TimbersVeneticnr Blind Stock Also Suppliers ol SPIJT REDWOOD, DOUGLAS FIN, BED CEDAR, I'NTREATED AND CREOSO'TED PNODUCTT!

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