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Ceiling Prices on Stock Millwork

Washington, Jat. 4.-Most of the items manufactured by the stock millwork industry are placed under specific dollars and cents ceilings reflecting approximately current price levels, the Office of Price Administration announced today.

Many types of doors, frames, windows and sash, made in whole or in part from Northern and'Western pine, are covered in the measure-Maximum Price Regulation No. 293, effective January 8, 1943. Although almost all standard items are covered, the regulation does not extend to millwork produced according to special specifications.

Picture By Amateur Photographer

There has been much comment on the beauty of the Redwood timber picture used in the advertisement of the Union Lumber Company on the outside back cover of the Christmas Number of this paper.

It is interesting to note that the picture was taken by W. J. McKie, assistant accountant of the Union Lumber Company, San Francisco.

Jack Butler Promoted

John S. (Jack) Butler, who was an Ensign on the U. S. S. Oglala, sunk at Pearl Harbor, has had his second promotion, and is now a Lieutenant, senior grade. He is still on the Oglala, which was raised and put back into service' Lieut. Butler is a son of Seth L. Butler, Dant & Russel, fnc., San Francisco.

Lumbermen In Service Visit Los Angeles

Major L. G. Burns, San Francisco, (Burns Lumber Co.. Beverly Hills); Lieut. E. L. Reitz, Oakland, (E. L. Reitz Co., Los Angeles); and Lieut. Commander H. N. Anderson, Portland, Ore., (Twin Harbor Lumber Co., Aberdeen, Wash.) were recent Los Angeles visitors.

New Redwood Mill in Operation

The new sawmill of the Sage Land & Improvement Co. at Willits started operation January 4. The cut will run between 70,000 and 75,000 feet on an 8-hour shift, and the mill will run one shift for the present.

Leo Hulett of the Hobbs Wall Lumber Co., San Francisco, sales agent for the mill, spent the first week of the month at the plant.


Lieutenant Robert F. (Bob) Duttle, son of Frank G. Duttle, president of Sterling Lumber Company, Oakland, paid a visit to his parents at their Berkeley home over the holidays.

Lieut. Duttle is fiscal officer in the administrative office of the Quartermaster Depot, Boston. He received his commission in June, 1942, f.ollowing his graduation from the Harvard School of Business Administration.


Home Builders Supply Co., Burbank, has changed its name to the Valois Lumber & Hardware Co. and has been moved to Roscoe, Calif.

National Retailers Move To New Offices

The government has taken the Normandy Building in Washington, D. C., and the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association has moved its offices to 1713 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C.


William Swindell of the Willamette Valley Lumber Co., Dallas, Ore., and Mrs. Swindell were San Francisco visitors around the first of the year.

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