2 minute read

Age not guaranteed-,some I have told fot 2o yearc-some les{r A Matter of Exit

The colored church at the cross-road was a onc-room affair with one method of entrance and exit, a double front door.

The tallest darkey in the congregation had given up the ghost. He was about Seven feet long, and the longest coffin the local colored undertaker had in stock was only a six-footer. So they just sort of used forcc and jack-knifed the legs of the corpse down so that they could get them into the coffin, and then they screwed the lid of the coffin on, while two heavy darkies held it down by main force.

The funeral was in the church. The edifice was filled with the mourners. The service ended and the procession was about to start down the aisle with the coffin when the wailing widow demanded to be allowed one last look at the dear departed husband. There being no way out of it, they loosened the screws at the head of the coffin. And when their grip was released the pressure of thc jack-knifed long legs fairly pushed the head of the corpse up through the opening. Pandemonium broke loose, and with oD€ ilGcord the congregation broke for the outer air. When the scare was over one colored woman said to another:

"You know, Mandy, a man whut uses de kinda talk dat preachah of ouahs uses ain't got no right to be wearin' de cloth o'Gawd."

"Why, whut did de preachah say?', inquired the other.

"Did'n you heah him?" asked the first.

"Nuh uh," said the second. ,.Whut did hc say?"


"Well, when dat co'pse riz up, dat preachah runned right ovah me an' sevrul othah ladies, an' as he went thu' Ah head him say-

E. W. Cummings With Oakland State Ass'n Signs Up More Firm Members

E. W. Cummings has resigned his position as superintendent with the Alpine Mill & Manufacturing Co. at Stockton, Calif., and is now connected with the Concealo Fixture Co., fnc., of Oakland in the capacity of superintendent and assistant manager. He was formerly associated with the millwork industry in Southern California for many years, and before going to Stockton was located in Los Angeles where he had charge of sales for the Watertite Casement Hardware Co. Mr. Cummings is the inventor of the Watertite casement hardware.

Meet at San Bernardino

A meeting of the lumbermen of San Bernardino and Riverside counties was held Thursday evening, January 19, at the Cafe Madrid, San Bernardino. Following dinner, there was a business session at which there was a discussion as to the possibility of having a lumber exhibit at the San Bernardino Orange Show that will be held in February. The meeting was well attended. Chas. C. Adams, Chas. C. Adams Lumber Company, San Bernardino, presided at the meeting.

The California Retail Lumbermen's Association announces that the following firms have taken out memberships in the Association: Sterling Lumber Co., Chico; Sterling Lumber Co., Folsom; Sterling Lumber Co., Hollister; Sterling Lumber Co., Morgan Hill; Sterling Lumber Co., Redding; Yancey Lumber Co., Crows Landing; yancey Lumber Co., Patterson; Gustine Lumber Co., Gustine; Auburn Lumber Co., Colfax; Nevada County Lumber Co,, Nevada City; Truckee-Tahoe Lumber Co., Lake Tahoe.

This makes a total of thirty-one yards that have become affiliated with the state organi zation during the past month ; in our issue of January 15 we published a list of 20 yards who recently joined the Association. With the exception of two yards that are located in Southern Californii, all the new members are in Northern California. The Association reports that the Sterling Lum'ber Co. now have 14 memberships in the Association, and the Diamond Match Co. 23 memberships.


A. C. Penberthy, Tacoma Lumber Sales Agency, Los Angeles, was a San Francisco visitor during the month of January where he spent a few days on business.

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