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Outlines Obiectives of the New Plan of Industry Organization
Following is a letter to the lumber press from Wilson Compton in which he outlines the present status and objectives of the American Forest Products Industries, Inc.
"In the public a'ccounts of the formation, effective January 1st, of the American Forest Products Industries, Inc., to handle the national lumber and timber products promotion work and other activities, there have appeared, especially in the Daily Press, certain statements which were not authentic, were not authorized by the office of the American Forest Products Industries, and are subject to misconstruction.
The American Forest Products Industries, Inc., as its name implies, and as was plainly stated in the authorized public account, is an industry association, or an association of industries.
"Its primary functions are three :
First: To conduct a national lumber and timber products promotion campaign, including activities in research, engineering and mer'chandising.
Second: To give the forest products industries the permanent means of collective self-representation in public and industry matters.
Third: To seek the efficient correlation of the associated activities of the various primary forest products industries, including timber owners, producers and distributors of lumber and timber products.
"The American Forest Produ'cts Industries, Inc., is not now engaged, nor does it expect itself to be engaged, in the fabrication of lumber, especially into small homes, nor in the financing of home building. It is, however, engaged, and will probably so 'continue, in the effort to secure the establishment through affiliated or cooperating agencies of the means of accomplishing these two purposes. By its formally authorized organization plan, it will seek within the group of forcst products industries the establishment of companies, or groups of companies, which will furnish small houses in complete units, partially or completely fabricated, and distributed through licensed retail lumber dealers.
"As indicated in the authorized public statement of its organization and objectives, it expects, in ,cooperation with home finance agen'cies, supplemented by the expe,cted facilities of the Home Loan Bank system, to make available low cost financing of low cost small homes. This, of course, will be done through existing agen'cies for home finance, or through such additional agen,cies as may from time to time be developed, and not directly by the American Forest Products Industries, Inc.
"Much and perhaps most of the service which this new organization will give to the forest produt-ts industries depends not on what it may itself do directly, but upon what it may be instrumental in stimulating and enabling indi- vidual mannfacturers and distributors, or logical groups of rnanufacturers and distributors, to do in their orrr'n behalf, for the purpose ol capitalizing the results of organized industry resear,ch and promotion. These developrnents will take time. The important fact is that the industry has now adopted a forward looking plan into which the industry will gradually grow, as its conditions and facilities will permit, in place of a backward plan which, by reason of modern and competitive conditions, the industry was gradually growing out of.
"This new plan, widely considered during the recent months among the leading lumber and timber products industries in all regions and formally Spproved within the last month and effective January 1st, is essentially in three. parts :
First: The National Lumber Manufacturers Association, which will continue as heretofore the national lumber industry activities and representation, not including promotion and research.
Second: American Forest Products Industries. Inc., the functions of which are stated above.
Third: The Wood Research Trust, Inc., an authorized project not yet undertaken and not expected to be undertaken until the plans with respect to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association and the American Forest Products Industries, Inc., have been more completely established. Its activities when undertaken will be solely in fundamental wood products ' research.
"The first of these three is expected to have as heretofore the general support of timber owners and lumber manufacturers, preferably through affiliated regional associations, at a rate of dues of. Il cents per M feet on shipments.
"The second is expected eventually to have the support of those timber owners, and manufacturers of lumber, timber and wood products, also exporters and distributors, either individually or through affiliated organizations, who are substantially interested in the protection and extension of markets.
"The third activity when established is expected to have the financial support only of a,comparatively small number of substantial timber owners and manufacturers interested in the possibilities of permanent operation and interested in research as a means of extending the profitable income sources of timber conversion.
"For economy, and to make each dollar count for the most, the administration of these activities will of course be unified.
"Because of the widespread interest evident throughout the lumber trade and the wood-using industries in the present status and the objectives of the new plan of indtrstry organization, we wish you to have these facts.
Redwood Arr'n. Hold Annual Meeting
L. C. Hammond
Re-elect ed. Pr esid. ent
L. C. Hammond, vice president and general manager of the Hammond Lumber Co., was re-elected president of the California Redwood Association at the annual meeting of this organization held in San Francisco, January 24.
A. S. Murphy, executive president of The Pacific Lumber Co., was re-elected vice president, and the following in addition to the officers named, were re-elected directors: ' Otis R. Johnson, Union Lumber Co.; Fred V. Holmes, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., and Henry M. Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.
C. H. Griffen, Jr., was re-elected general manager, and J. W. Williams secretary.
The executive committee was appointed as follows: H. P. Plummer, IJnion Lumber Co.; Herb Klass, The Pacific Lumber Co., and Geo. W. Gorman, Hammond Lumber Co.
Joins Western Pine Arr'n.
Tahoe Sugar Pine Lumber Co., which recently completed its new sawmill at Graniteville, Calif., has become a member of the Western Pine Association.
Emmett L. Marsh is president of this company, which has offices in the Monadnock Building, San Francisco. The company expects to start operation in the early spring and will cut about 10,000,000 feet, mostly sugar pine, this season. Their planing mill will be located at Emigrant Gap, about 20 miles from the mill, and will be built in March.
L. V. Graham Resigns
L. V. Graham, g'eneral sales manager Lumber Co., has resigned. Mr. Graham nounced his future plans.