3 minute read
To Harold Knapp and Lumber Dealers of the \fest from FLINTKOTE
Exccutiva Should Scll
b c th.* dryr Ttcy rc *ldd .i thcir dcrtr. F cqmdy, lh.t
.t ngortd '6t oltom- by th.it .c@briar. And lh.y
.dodly & dl oltw!.
Th* aa h.v. &slcd thcir dsb ld "tlE tod.'
Son. od rlc6 rrc t Ui!3 tb.ir .6Fny'r P.odda E&h ol lhc6 ir rlliq lh oiguy, i4ll{h. Flsrd ol hit qFni-tbq [L @F ]r't Policia, tic ida b.bind il.
Dd.b$diti!3 pLB .nd lbc b.rcfirr ol it. Podotidrl e. ririric!. Tle edive herc reotrizcd thc l3t thrt
.sbftn l[. b tDr ri6t ttrc carniado thy rrc d6lin3 iitb s r.ll r rb6t if. ptoddr, lhrt th.y Prcf.t porchuiry hm Dcoph thcylet .nd ltm cmFrics th.y 0!dnbnd. Ald tG8 {D rhc* dcrtivo 6.lidcd thcy vct. l@ bury la thb typc ol *llioa, tb! thct @ld nd 6nd thc tie totd rqoi.r.d rith tlEir clrtoren. Bot todry ah.y hrvc di!@vcrcd ihrt bcc.u* of this, mrnye cu* tm6 G&ict . dirtrt d pidurc in hi! hidd o( wh.l lh. .reulivc'i .6F;t arllt ia what irr eims end golicie .r. .!d *htr it fu rbivingb do lot itt custoE.t!. Thdc dccotiv6, th.t during thc p$l yot hrvc d.scd th€ir ofica rad lancd lo Ltry thcir cstmcrs h.v. I@td rhd dry lio6 thc htt.! vici.d th. lmd in.n irrc_ for.t. rnd lGiuotly olplc.st lid[.
E:eutiv6 Lvc tdrd m.nt custoncE wilh . *cr.t
Frd3t afpd.tcd by ldt P.st misundcrsbndint. Ot thc 6!@ hs vicwcd thc creutitc's coEtsay .r hrrdk)iH o.t&ir.tim, difrmlt io do busincs with d F irF orhi. .nd fryiq, 3imPly ber@ hc. lk cue t@, [s Gv6 tamcd thc cmP.ny's sidc of thc Pic' ed prqpeb . ci$c to lcs wh.l h. .Dd hL qhFny crn do ior thcm. ALo,it i. olt by doi{ ttir th.i hc cu bcooc r.ll doo3h equild ritl rbcidiyidu.l D.o.pdt't n6d..to ofra hdplsl pronbbL .olttttid' Obviouly; I rm rpalirt lErc ol thc bod oa th. rv6rtE rtrd .hrll tr.d. Ev6 il l. hr lirdco6e h.lP hc till td Eorc b!dn..r il hr c.n .sF ed laYc dliE wdl iD thc c.r. of r cl.rl d 8id. ThG ower d mo!6 olr bi3 rcbil lumb.? ..ubliahD.ol crnnoi, olcd*, Fts .lly sbct nFGtt.n | !illt FG;b3c oa hi. dtb.r .nd pm3Fct3. But tlia bu{c. ot . LrF yrid 3$old d.l.artc tha ramrind.r ot th. tul lo bfu iunid qeu' livca. Thc n.thod ol .pp.dctinS th€ItdFcliv. cuttom.r tlrc hmbcr hcrchrnt ir to 4 d.pcrd! sm.r'h.t oPon 16l conditios. ln Kd.m[@, Mkhit$, Vclc. ud DcLol Cmpeny erc crrrtiog rh. !.!c oI $.n t.m buil& ingr di!.ctly to rhc hm d@t!kp, Th.yrr. !.irg. toc& orrying th.e Cclol.t irsuLtdd l$m bsildirgH bloodcr hoe, . nill hde rnd . ltq hore th. tdtrd3 of thc lrm3 inthci.kniqy. Tlrc shsou .ccmprlting lhc -tnick ir r ilr rbo lno*t thc le&cr'r vicwPoiot ud rpprici.t.! htu p.oblc6. Stoppi{ h . l.ma't t.rd, thi. slcsmrn b rblc lo rhor th. lmd th. Fdicphr .d%nt. rgtr ol ect ol thc l.m buildiagr cricd d lhc hcL B6tn@ inDotut thil thi! b. ir E.inbining I cle rc||ti@hip bdwen v6l6 rnd Dclo[ Comp:ny rnd thc l.md3 in thci.t riitry s lh.t lE b oot onlr brildiDt inhcdi.& s.l6 brt rls $ld in tbc Iutuc. ln Modclto; C.lifornil Unitcd,Lru4lrr-
How Dealers Can Profit Tremendously by This ldea:
What Mr. Knipp has said applies with double fotce to Flintkote dol"r*" because they havc twic€ the incentive to leave their desks and get out into the field and scll.
With Flintkotc Asphalt Emulsion, the dealcr has an exdusive product that he can sell AT A PROFIT. How much easier it is to sell goods today when you havc lEturtroil GorlarY
,ryt. lS' r.bUbt.o5ld.iIW. &1.bffi.
EF'* 'w!DB. odd. bdn. sda gll" d.d b b rry !66 t.D.t dffiryldkl.@b. t {'6d s'w rcg.bE*bbdo!i i.nr{ub@.dit.i!ql i{iAbbaHbr.ry
DbrFtd*bkd rbtbA.sb-acb*. irrbt-udtd. h!qrb'ln.ud b6th. dE.&b. .Unt&dbr*dlttslrtaDbn|.OLt!u b .ql d c tl.udt db b l*._ ItuiorDocc.'trr. -UldbtUcddtqad'. ddqlnduFd.Elt{t ..hb f omd bb... EN l. o 6E 6.1tut ll r! Nb ou Bx d -ledsEc bb .t.e Fbtlr-lr dt & dG., t! b. .l bt.ilonDi{{.qtuur hbt.r3dohd@brt-S-FWlhd dil Fdt W F .tl@ Ed.l.. tdt firy dt.
3'l::::f .l:-'ii something difierent from your competitors, something of outstanding merit with exclusive talking poinb.
Flintkote has such a product in Asphalt Emulsion. It has tnemcndous selling advantages, and it dways shows the dealer a PROFIT on every sale. Invectigate the sclling advantages of the Flintkote line of roofings and roofing products. It will pay yout