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Redwood Repeis Termites

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M cnbcr Califorab Rcdwood Atsociatior

In The Grip Of Fear

The Law

The law should be loved a little because it is felt to be just; feared a little, because it is severe; hated a little because it is to a certain degree out of sympathy with the prevalent temper of the day; but respected because it is felt to be a necessity.-Fourget.



"The world is in the grip of a white-faced fear. One of the most outstanding and surprising features of modern civilization-the safest and most comfortable civilization svsl knq\ rn-is a nervous, forboding fear that holds it in thralldom. This fear has seized all classes of people-the high and the low, the educated and the ignorant, the old and the young. It is as if a swarm of fears had been let loose upon us, like an Egyptian plague. There are many kinds of fears; fears of ourselves, of others, of the past, the present, and the future, of sickness, of death, of poverty; fears without reason and without end."-Dr.


Better Still

"Do you give a guarantee with this bottle of hair restorer?"

"Guarantee, Hell ! We give a brush and comb !"

Just In Time

A Scotchman came upon an automobile overturned at a railroad crossing. Beside it lay a groaning, injured man.

"Quick, get a doctor," he moaned.

('Did the train hit you?" asked the Scotchman.

t'Yes. For God's sake hurry and get a doctor."

"Has the claim agent been here yet?"

"No. Please hurry and get a doctor."

"Move over a wee bit, Laddie," said the Sotchman.

"Why?" asked the injured man.

"So I can lie down beside you," said the Scot.

Made Stars

If there isn't any star within your skyPretend it's there !

Why, a make-believe one swinging white and high Is just as fair !

If you'll put it where you'll see it every night, Just where the sky's particularly brightYour star is sure to guide your steps aright.

If there isn't any sunshine in your dayWhy, put some in!

If you've never tried to make your sun that way, Oh, do begin !

This sunshine-making's hard, but you won't mind, Keep on, and when it's done you're apt to find, The home-made brand's the very nicest kind.

The average citizen-the man of small lsseulggs-rnu5f know where he stands and what he faces. Property cannot sustain the ever-increasing drain. Business, big or little, cannot stand it. The man in the street must take seriously the truism that the power to tax is the power to confiscate. He must realize that we are nearing-if in some cases we have not already reached-the point where confiscation already has begun. For almost two decades our Governrnents-national, state, and local-have been expending more than they could afford.-John W. Davis.

Fourteen Mistakes

1. To attempt to set your own standards of right and wrong and expect everybody to conform to them.

2. To try to measure the enjoyment of others by your own.

3. To expect uniformity of opinion in this world.

4. To look for judgment and experience in youth.

5. To endeavor to mould all dispositions alike.

6. Not to yield in unimportant trifes.

7, To look for perfection in our own actions.

8. To worry ourselves and others about what cannot be remedied.

9. Not to alleviate, if we can, all that needs alleviation.

10. Not to make allowances for the weakness of others.

11. To consider anything impossible which we ourselves cannot perform.

12. To believe only what the finite mind can grasp.

13. To live as if the moment, the time, the day were so important that it would live forever.

14. To estimate people by some outside quality, for it is that within which makes the man.

Real Depression

"I believe your village is very healthy, is it not?"

"It is the healthiest spot on earth."

"Yet your cemetery is quite full."

"Yep, those are the graves of doctors and undertakers who died of broken hearts."

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