5 minute read
a QQNoveltyts-hut il BeaI SelIinS Advantage thart wilf o inerease R,oll R,oofing Business!
Red Seal Openers were developed and adopted as the standard method of packaging roll roofing by Pioneer for two lmportant reasons: r.ouNaBERRY-& ItAnnIs la.BrEl g.&ry
FIRST-To effect a saving in time and marerial for the user of roll roofing.
SECOND-To give YOU an exclusive sales advanrage that would bring yorr lnore business on roll roofing.
Dealers who have gotten behind this feature of Pioneer Roll Roofing, talked it, displayed it-have found that it actually does bring them more business.
Try it for 30 days. Make it a point during February to call the attention of every customer to this new advantage in opening roll roofing. You'll find them asking for it every time they order.
R'ed- SeaL Opennrs crl,dt ynu and your cudtomers rwthing-thc, co.fi is brtu, W Pioneer.
Dlorot lrgcr Co.1 ts 120. Aroadc Strtlon
Ior ln6clcr, Celltotllr lttcltlon - Ir. &Frl5r cmbruSdcr tlem6el
Do.a slar tou' rrc to b coqlrl|rtltcC otl .AoDtlqB t[c nD gEl! oDc4!-. tror r 'Eroha,lAiall6 rtadgolat tfrcy rh@,14 Go wat vclY b16, enn rltl un-
CmDtccly tc e grert h.Ur a'!if tlc aavct to tb toofat. oAcuslomer in the display room of Lounsberry and Harris receiving a demonslration of Red Seal Openerc.
Trce Falls on Office Building East B.y Hoo Hoo Club
A spruce tree, l0O feet in height and 3 feet in diameter, weighted down rvith snorv and decayed below the ground was blown over by the rvind, falling on the office building of the Nevada County Lumber Company, Nevada City, Calif., shortly before one o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 18.
Fred Conner, manager of the company, was home at lunch at the time but Miss Georgia Donnelly, the company's bookkeeper, rvas sitting in the front office when the tree crashed down over the inner office where she had been working only a short time before. The treq smashed the roof structure, but was stopped by the studding and rafters, and the interior of the office was little damaged. The actual damage to the building was less than $5@.
Mr. Conner on his arrival at the office had the tree sawed, relieving the building of the tremendous weight. As a result of the accident Miss Donnelly who was in a very nervous condition u'as taken home. The sturdy construction of the building prevented it from being further damaged, and after'vierving the wreckage, Mr. Conner stated: "Those pioneers rvho built this house were honest builders."
Coachcs See Redwood Movies
Stanford athletic coaches had the pleasure at a meeting of their association, on the evening of January 16 of seeing motion pictures of the Redwood operations of The Pacific Lumber Company. Jim Farley, assistant Western sales manager of the company, exhibited the pictures and told the story of the various steps in the manufacture of Redwood lumber from the tree to the car.
The pictures were shown on the invitation of President Harry 'Wolters, baseball coach, who managed and playecl on the baseball team of the Hammond Lumber Company. Samoa, several years ago.
Stays With Rcdwood
His many friends among the retail lumbermen of California will be interested to hear that Max E. Cook, farmstead engineer, who was rvith the California Redwood Association for the past eight years in charge of their Redwood Fann Structures Bureau, has not deserted the Redwood industry. He is now associated rvith The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco.
The close attention paid by a large gathering of East Ilay lumbermen to a serious talk by Earl Warren, district attorney for Alameda County, at.the club's monthly dinner meeting held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, Monday evening, January 16, indicated that the lumbermen take a real interest in the problems of the district attorney's office. The speaker's suggestions in the course of his talk regarding the prevention of crime also aroused much interest.
Earle Johnson, of Livermore, the club's president, occupied the chair, and opened the meeting by congratulating the committee responsible for filling the Christmas kegs for distribution to needy families on their fine work. Gordon Pierce, chairman of the committee reported that 24O kegs had been filled and distributed.
Larue 'Woodson, entertainment committee chairman, announced that his committee is planning a monster gettogether meeting to be held in the spring. He predicted it rvould be, in the language of the ballyhoo man, a "stupendous spectacle", and invited cooperation.
The president welcomed as out of town visitors, Ed Case, Vallejo Lumber Co., Vallejo, and A.. G. Zahnd, Livermore Luniber Co., Livermore, and congratulated Al Kendall, the club's oldest member, who passed his 84th birthday, January 7, and whose Hoo Hoo number is 4124.
Splendid music was furnished by a boys' orchestra under the leadership of Jim Livingston.
Russell Kelley
Russell Kelley, aged six years and l0 months, passed' arvay in the Children's Hospital, Oakland, on the morning of January 16, follorving an operation performed on Christmas Day.
Little Russell rvas born in San Francisco, and was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kelley. He is also survived by a sister, Barbara, aged four.
Mr. Kelley has been associated with the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, for the past 18 years.
Appointed Yard Manager
R. J. Fell has been appointed manager of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. yard at Banning, Calif., succeeding Earl D. Evans who recently resigned. Mr. Fell formerly made his home in San Bernardino where he was connected rvith the retail lumber business for a long period.
Sing a song of wall board, a pocket full of tacks; what a wealth of closets, shelves, partitions, boxes, racks. Doesn't need a carpenter nor plans nor mathematics. Easy work for anyone to renovate the attics. Put it on the ceiling; put it on the wall. Nail it. Paint it. Easy, ain't it? 'Tisn't work at all.
Buginess Statistics for December
Chicago, Jan. 1S.-Business troubles reported to the Lumbermen's Blue Book during the month of December show a material increase in the number of bankruptcies, with other troubles approximately in the same proportion as a year ago.
Following the trend of actual lumber orders placed, there has been a slight decrease in the number of requests for special credit reports.
A comparative report for December 1932 and l93l is as follows: t932
32 Bankruptcies
8 Receiverships
7 Assignments
5 Extensions
4 Composition settlements
4 Creditors Committees Appointed r93l
21 Bankruptcies
18 Receiverships
6 Assignments
7 Extensions
3 Composition settlenients
5 Creditors Committees Appointed
O Lawd give thy Lumbermen this morning de eyes of de Eagle and de Wisdom of de Owl; Connect his Soul to figure Lumber Honest; Telephone him in de Central skies to join his Trade Association ; Luminate his Soul to get a price; Pizen his Mind from Chizeling; Turpentine his Salesmen; Grease his lips to Merchandise; close his tongue with a sledge hammer from knocking his competitors' materials; Fill him full of fairness; Lectrify his Brain with de Lightnin' of L,ow Volume; Fill him Plum full of de Dynamite of Co-operation; Noint him all over with a Square deal to All; And set him on Fire. Amen.
Hotel Wiltshine
34O STOCKTON ST. SAN FRANCISCO Norr Unto Sqrm - Tclophor Suttr 2tf
15O Roomr, Eech yith Tub and Showcr Strictly Fireproof f2.fit to |:IIXD Single . g2.r0 to i4JD Doublc
SDei.l Welly ud Mothly Rrta=-Scrvtry Ch6 Bmlnrrtr 2Sc, !5c, 9q Dlnurr, bcludhs Suadey, SOc
Takc Any lellou Cab as Our Guest Free Garage