4 minute read
not guarlnteed---Some I have told
STORIES Jor 20 years---Some less
Here's One for Bob Burns
A traveler in the Ozarks stopped at a mountain cabin close to the road to ask for a drink of water. The man who answered his call and brought him a big dipper of cool water, hobbled badly as he walked. The visitor stared unbelievingly at the feet of the other man, and finally said to him:
"Mister, you know, don't you, that you've got your right
Imports of Philippine Mahogany and Philippine Hardwoods into the United States for the month of December, 1936, totaled, 2,674,798 board feet. Total imports for the year were 33,4rc$l6 board feet, as compared with a total of 28,252,816 feet for 1935, representing an increase of 5,188,000 board feet which is equivalent to 18 per cent of total shipments for 1935. In comparison with total shipments for 1934 which amounted to 20,747,592 board feet, 1936 showed an increase of 12,693,224 board feet which is equivalent to 61 per cent of total shipments for 1934.
The annual meeting of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau will be held at Seattle, Wash., March 25. Don Montg'omery, secretary-manager of the Wisconsin Retail Lumbermen's Association I Bruce Wilson, Federal Housing Administration, Washington, D. C., and Paul Collier, secretary-manager of the Northwestern Retail Lumbermen's Association, will be among the speakers on the convention progTam.
shoe on your left foot, and your left shoe on your right foot?"
"The Hell I have!" exclaimed the mountaineer, and they both stared at his feet.
"Why, certainly you have !" said the visitor.
"Well I'll be dad-gummed t" said the mountaineer. "You know I've been wearing my shoes that way for twenty years and I always thought I was club-footed."
A capacity house greeted the showing of the \Mestern Pine Association's sound film, "Harvesting the Western Pines" at the weekly luncheon meeting of the San Francisco Lumbermen's Club on Monday, January 18.
President C. C. "Sti" Stibich invites all lumbermen to attend the club's weekly luncheon at the Engineers' Club, 206 Sansome Street, corner of Pine Street, each Monday, at l2 :15 o'clock.
Acme Lumber Company, San Francisco, recently announced the installation of Thomas A. Douglass as president and general manager. The appointment was effective January 1.
Mr. Douglass was formerly manager of the Industrial City Lumber Company, South San Francisco.
A NATION-\TIDE DEALER SERVICE Dcsigncd for Plywood profits to you, Mr. Dealer Backed by thc mort modern methodg of manufacture, incomparable quelity, ruperior zervice, and price protection. Telcphonn or tel.egroph inquiries at our erpense $.trmo Qlrxrrs Qrtvoon Go" D{G . WHOLESALE ONLY AT COMPETITIVE PRICES NEW YORKPHILADELPHITIBOSTONDETROITCHICAGO 192O East 15th St. Loc Angeles PRospect 3013 119 Kansas St. San Francisco MArket 1882
Hammond Redwood Company Announces Expansion
San Francisco, January 1S-Making the most important expansion in the California Redwood industry since 1933, Leonard C. Hammond, president of Hammond Redwood Company, announced that the plant built on the Eureka side of Humboldt Bay and formerly operated by Humboldt Redwood Company would resume operation March 1 as a unit of the Hammond interests
A new payroll of approximately $35,000 per month will be created with the addition of 300 men in the mill and increased logging operations. All of the workers will be drawn from Humboldt county, with l2O men already added to the payroll to prepare for rhe new activity.
The Humboldt Redwood Company plant, known commonly as the Bayside mill, is on the Eureka channel of Humboldt Bay, opposite the main Hammond plant at Samoa. It was operated formerly by the Dessert Company of Michigan, but has been idle since 1932, having been purchased by the Hammond company in the meantime.
With the announ,cement, Mr. Hammond declared that increased production is needed for the requirements of the 1937 outlook, particularly in eastern and southern states. The rated capacity of the new Hammond unit is 135,000 feet per 8 hour shift, added to the present production at Samoa of 425,00A feet per day. Despite the maritime strike all eastern and California business is being handled without interruption by rail shipments, but a great need exists for further production to supply the trade and build up stocks.
With the new development, the Hammond Redwood Company also purchased six new Caterpiller "95" Diesels for use in increased logging operations. This was declared to be the largest single tractor order since tractor logging began in the Redwoods in 192O.
Don Oder Visits Northwest
Don M. Oder, of the Northwest Lumber Agency, Los Angeles, Southern California sales representative of Aberdeen Plywood Company, Aberdeen, 'Wash., is on a business trip to Aberdeen and Seattle. He expects to be back in Los Angeles on February 2.
March Forward, Banners Flying
The skies above are smiling now, Few adverse winds are crying, The New Year calls commandingly, "March F'ortvard, Banners Flying !"
Are there embattled heights to win ? Then obstacles defying, Storm every frowning citadelMarch Forward, Banners Flying!
If Fortune prove at times unkind, Keep right on trying, trying; She yields to firm, repeated thrustsMarch Forward, Banners Flying !
"I am too young to join the ranks," Says one, his worth decrying; The world has need of youth, my lad, March Forward, Banners Flying !
"I am too old," another pleads And sadly speaks of "dyingl" Why, you have just learned how to liveMarch Forward, Banners Flying !
To every noble vlctory, One with the other vying, Experienced age and eager youth March Forward, Banners Flying !
So face the Future fearlessly, All threats of ill defying, And "one for all and all for one," March Forward, Banners Flying ! A. Merriam Conner.
Calls On Pine Mills
W. P. Johnson, yard superintendent and buyer for Anglo California Lumber Company, Los Angeles, returned recently from a business trip to Northern California and Southern Oregon. He called on Pine mills in the Klamath Falls, Siskiyou and Feather River districts.