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Make Up Your Heart

In public questions, as in private doubt, 'Tis not enough for man to figure out fn terms materiaf in times distressed, How things will profit him, in coin expressed. Few questions man will properly decide, Gold for his God, and profit for his guide. He must consider more, aye, all mankindMake up his conscience, making up his mind.

There is too much "How will this profit me?"

And not enough, "flow help humanity?"

Too much inquiring, "What will serve me best?"

And not enough "How will this serve the rest?"

No man is richer, what his scheme or plan, Who makes life poorer for some other man. He but grows poorer as he waxes rich Whose carriage crowds another in the ditch.

A hundred questions fret our world tonight, Yet only one, the question "Wrong or right?" Whatever folly says, or sage replies, One question man can never compromise. In times like these men are too much inclined, Making decisions, to make up the mind; For deeper down the roots of living start: Consult your conscience, and make up your heart.

Malloch in "Rotarian".


Was She Sore

Jane: "What was your sister so angry about?"

Jim: "Why, she sent me to the druggist's to get some cold cream and I got ice cream. It was the coldest they had."


The man may last, but never lives, Who much receives, but nothing givesWhom none can love, whom none can thank, Greation's blot, creation's blank.

Gone With The Wind

"Shown these poems to anyone el,se?" asked the editor. .,The trouble with taking away from the people that have "No one," stoutly replied the author. and giving to the people who didn't bother to get, is that "No? Where'd you get that black eye?" everybody will wind up without."

Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Grey to Make \(/orld Tour

Raymond Grey, president of the Taft Lumber Company, Taft, Calif., and Mrs. Grey, will leave this month on a trip around the world. They will leave at home, both working for the Taft Lumber Company, Richard Grey aged 21, and Arthur Grey aged 20, under assistant manager, Howard C. Harper. Mr. Grey says that he has been gradually slipping out from under detailed work for several years, and one of the purposes of the trip is to pass responsibility on the boys without having the "Old Man" to rely on.

Mr. and Mrs. Grey will sail from Los Angeles, February 16, on the S. S. Taiyo Maru touching at Honolulu, and spending two weeks in Japan. Leaving Kobe they will spend several days each at Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore. There they will take a side trip to Borneo to visit friends with the Shell Oil Company; they have been promised an extended hunting trip into the inland of Borneo for large game and an excellent opportunity to see the primitive living conditions of the natives. One month will be spent in Borneo.

Back to Singapore again, and from there through the Suez Canal, a glimpse of Egypt and the Pyramids, disembarking at Genoa, Italy. They will spend a month in Europe traveling by rail and automobile through Italy, Switzerland, France, Holland and England, meeting friends in Holland and England.

They will embark on the S. S. Duchess of Bedford at Liverpool for Montreal, Canada, June 18. Then overland to New York and back to Taft by rail returning about July 1.

Hotel reservations and trips in all the countries visited will be arranged through the American Express Company.

Redwood Shipment to Arizona by Truck

Calling upon all other forms of transportation during the maritime strike in order to supply the increasing demand for California Redwood, the Hammond Redwood Company of Samoa recently shipped 17,W feet of siding to the Hays Lumber Company of Oatman, Atizona, by motor truck'

It was the largest single order of redwood ever shipped interstate by motor truck from the redwood region and was carried more than a thousand miles before reaching its ciestination. Oatman is one of the gold mining centers of northwestern Arizona and isin an isolated section, far from railroad facilities.

While handicapped by the maritime diffi'culties, the Redwood industry has relied successfully upon rail shipments for all eastern and the bulk of California business' Extensive hauling has aided northern California deliveries, particularly in the Sacramento valley.



Feb. 7B-79-20

No alert lumber dealer, alive to the favorable building outlook for 1937, can afrord to miae thie convention.

Let'c gol


Ea.tqu@.' 5..6b, 'ZutringPteudronofi*pvaww, B. e

Complete Stock of Flardwoods

Perfection Oak Flooring

IXL Maple Flooring

Btownts ttSuper Cedattt Closet Lining

Douglas Fir Lumber

Plywood and Wallboard

California Distributors for ttMaltese Crosstt Brand

Western Red Cedar

California Sugar Pine

California Ponderosa Pine

California Redwood

The Pioneer Hardwood Yard

2050 East 38th Street


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