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California Building Permits for 1936
Be rnie Bie rman, Minnesota Football Coach, Speaks at Wood Conversion Convention
At the Annual Sales Convention of the Wood Conversion Company, Bernie Bierman in his talk to the ninety salesmen and executives who attended the meeting, elaborated on the necessity of w-ell organized team work and its importance both in the football world and in the business world.
P. A. Ward, general sales manager of t h e Wood Conversion Company, at this meeting announced an improved Balsam-Wool and a new NuWood Sheathing. The new improved BalsamWool marks another step in the progress of a company which has pioneered the development of insulation for nearly two decades. It has an improved reinforced nailing flange in addition to being doubly sealed to resist moisture.
Among the various speakers at the convention were E. W. Davis, general manager' of the company ; Walther Buchen, president of the Buchen Agency, and Bernie Bierman, coach of the Minnesota football team.
"In view of the fact that 1937 is going to be a boom year in building," said Mr. Ward, general sales manager, "it is only natural for Wood Conversion Company to introduce these new and improved products. An increased sales organization and an increased advertising appropriation will assist our jobbers and dealers in getting their share of the 1937 insulation and interior finish business."
Wood Conversion Company, pioneers in the manufacture of moisture resisting insulation materials as well as Nu-Wood interior finish, has in recent years made unusual advances in the development and importance of better insulation and interior finish materials.
Balsam-Wool is a highly moisture resisting insulation and to be properly installed must be securely fastened in place.
Nu-Wood is an interior finish made of wood fibres which is easily installed in old buildings as well as new. NuWood is made in a number of hexagonal designs and patterns in addition to being made in a variety of soft blended colors.
This year, the annual sales meeting for this company was held at the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago, January 6,7 and8.