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Ten tiles of Years Ago Today



From the Lumber Merchant, February 1 , 1997

Lumber shipments from Washington ports in 1926 established a new record. Total shipments for the year from Grays Harbor, Puget Sound and Willapa Harbor were 3,397,146,W feet as compared with 3,055,697,0n feet in 1925.


Ten hundred and sixty-seven new homes were added to Sacramento in 1926, with a total valuation of nearly $4,000,000. Total building permits for the year were $7,732,573.


Building construction in San Francisco lor 1926 amounted to $57,953,9€ as against $50J9793 for 1925.

This issue carries an illustrated article on the Little River Lumber Company retail yard at Arcata.


An article with photograph of display at the Tulare Lumber Company, Visalia, describes how lumber and building material dealers can tie in their business with patriotic holidays.


High Street in Oakland, all the way from Fourteenth Street to the Estuary, is becoming a great lumber and woodworking center. Practically everything in lumber from the log to the finished product can be supplied by the firms in this district.


J. P. Siegel has resigned ber Co. at Calexico.

* as manager of the Sones Lumrf*

Los Angeles building permits f.or 1926 totaled $123,006,215 as compared to $152,646,43O in 1925.

There is an intere.tirrg lk";.h*on Hoo Hoo in California with pictures of the Snarks for the various districts of the state'

C. S. Pierce Lumber Co., Fresno, are now located in their new plant which was recently completed. Frank S. Minard is manager.

Uholesale to lumber Yards

SASH, ll(l(lR$ and

Complete stock on hand of STREAMLINER DOORS

Lanninex guaranteellltEv DRos.

Lor Angeleg Phone-REpublic 0802

Building permits totaling $2,749,564 were issued in Stockton in 1926. During the year 270 homes were built. * rl. rt

Blackman-Anderson Lumber Co., Oakland, are norv operating their new plant on High Street. The company which was formerly known as the E. L. Blackman Lumber Co. has discontinued their yard on East Fourteenth Street.

Building construction in Oakland during 1926 amounted to $8,075,D5; permits for 1925 totaled $39,25A,795.

The first of a contemplated series of "Open Forum" meetings for all retailers was held at the E,lks Club, Los Angeles, Saturday afternoon, January 22, under the auspices of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. The meeting was planned by President Paul Hallingby. There was a dinner dan'ce in the evening. ***

The directors of the Northern District of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, met at the Athens Club, Oakland, Saturday noon, January 15. Lumbermen from all sections of Northern California were present. Paul Hallingby, president of the Association, presided at the meeting. t**

Figures released by W. B. Rider, deputy state forester, disclose California's lumber cut for 1926 to be 1,973,000,000 feet.

An illustrated article J .; J**ltt and logging operations of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co. appears in this issue.

The San Diego Lumber Co. has opened a branch yard at Encanto.

J. H. McCallum was re-elected president of the San Francisco Y. M. C. A. for the year 1927 at a meeting of the board of dire,ctors.


Philippine Mahogany - Phitippine Flardwood

\(/ins Prize for Best Specimen of Finished Redwood Panel

W. W. Jarvis, interior decorator and general painting contractor of 827 Micheltorena Street, Los Angeles, won the $25.00 cash prize and redwood burl trophy awarded by the California Association for the best specimen of finished redwood panel at the 1937 convention of the California Master Painters and Decorators in Fresno, Jantary 2L-23.

The winning panel by Mr. Jarvis was one of 80 entered in the contest. It was delicately shaded beige in color and was described by Mr. Jarvis as "pickled redwood."

Mr. Jarvis, a native of England who learned his trade in that country, specializes in deluxe home and shop interiors in the Los Angeles-Hollywood area.

Henry Afman of Denver, first vice-president of the International Society of Master Painters and Decorators, presented the prizes in behalf of the donors.

Participation in the program of the master painters and decorators is part of a program of cooperation between painters and decorators, paint manufacturing concerns and the redwood industry inaugurated for 1937.

L. L. Witty, field representative of the California Redwood Association, attended the Fresno convention, assuring master painters and decorators that the redwood industry would continue its cooperative efforts with the paint industry as a stimulant to better building conditions in the state and nation.

Roy Barto In East

Roy Barto, president of Cadwallader-Gibson Company, Los Angeles, left January 12 to attend a special meeting of the Philippine Mahogany Association in Washington, D. C.

While in the East Mr. Barto will call on the company's representatives at New York and other points. He expects to be back in Los Angeles about February 6.

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