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Jack Dionne Talks to East B.y Hoo Hoo Club
All attendance records for a regular meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 were broken when 140 sat down to dinner at the meeting of the club held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, on Monday evening, January 24. The retail, wholesale and manufacturing branches of the industry were well represented.
Henry M. Hink, president of the club, presided, and B. E. Bryan, chairman of the entertainment committee, introduced the speakers.
Floyd Haas, a former resident of Death Valley, gave a talk of absorbing interest on the Valley. This was illustrated with colored slides. Mr. Haas spoke with authority on the subject and his presentation was much enjoyed.
Jack Dionne, publisher of The California Lumber Merchant, entertained the big crowd for nearly an hour with a humorous talk in the course of which he told many new stories, and, by request, his famous old story "Rigoletto." IIe was in top form and the laughter and applause indicated that everybody had a good time.
At the close of his talk Mr. Dionne was presented by the Club with a beautiful leather toilet kit. Clem Fraser made the presentation.
S. R. Forsey was the lucky rvinner of the door prize.
Among those in attendance were many from out of town. These included the following: Chas. G. Bird and Donald G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton; Charles Brace, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton; H. J. Barrington, LongBell Lumber Co., Weed, Calif.; Chas. B. Cross, Stockton; Perry A. Dame, tos Angeles; A. E. Dubray, Watsonville; Ralph D. Gorman, Crockett Lumber Co., Crockett; A. C. Hansen, S. H. Chase Lumber Co., San Jose; Roy Henderson, '-fhe Diamond Match Co., Livermore; G. IJ. Harmon, St. Paul, Minn.; Tom Hubbard, Cheim Lumber Co., San Jose; Earle E. Johnson, Watsonville Lurnber Co., 'Watson. ville; Chet Leavitt, Turlock; Nels Nelson, Hayward Mill & Lumber Co., I{ayward; Joe Parkel, Spencer Lumber Co., Walnut Creek; A. F. Taylor, Castro Valley Lumber Co., Castro Valley; L. M. Swiger, Cheim Lumber Co., San Jose; M. M. IJzelot, Castro Valley; W. T. Weiser, Montana.
Carl And Ed Schafer California Visitors
Carl Schafer, superintendent and purchasing agent of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Montesano, Wash., receritly spent a ferv days in San Francisco. Edward P. Schafer, sales manager of the company, visited both the San Francisco and Los Angeles offices recently.