2 minute read

Ten tiles of The Years Ago Today

From the Lumber Merchant, Februa ry 1 , 1928


Eighteen cash prizes were awarded in the second California Redwood contest which closed on December 31, after a receipt of 99 entries from a total of 41 persons.

In the retail yard group, Lathrop K. Leishman, Crown City Mfg. Co., Pasadena, was awarded $100.00 for first prize. Second prize, $25.0o, went to Rex Hall, W. D. Hall Co., Inc., El Cajon.

H. B. Worden, Redwood Manufacturers Co., San Francisco, won first prize, $100.00, in the Redwood sales representatives' group, with second prize of $25.00 going to J. B. Maher, Monterey Bay Redwood Co., Santa Cruz.

P. J. Rutledge, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., Eureka, won the prize ol $20.00 for the Redwood mill group.

Thirteen additional prizes of $10.00 each were awarded to the following retailers and Redwood salesmen:

Retailers-C. E. Fountain, \M. K. Kendrick, Charles Moorehead, R. T. Paddock, Granville Pritchard, and W. L. Smith.

Redwood salesmen-Frank M. Billeci, Harvey Isenhower, H. K. Munson, M. R. Sutliff, Charles F. Ward, Ben F. Ward, and A. K. Westh.

Charles E. Miller, Oregon lumberman, was appointed a member of the Oregon State Game Commission. Mr. Miller is an enthusiastic sportsman.

Chas. C. Adams Lumber Co., San Bernardino, now has an attractive new yard. In addition to a new office building, the yard is equipped with a large warehouse and cement plant and has large yard capacity for storing lumber. Mr. Adams bought the Independent Lumber Co. at San Bernardino on his entry into the retail lumber business in Southern California. Before coming to California, he was connected with the retail lumber business at Winewood, Okla.

Dinuba Lumber Co. l-umber Co. at Dinuba. has purchased the

European trip where he will spend a few months touring France and ltaly.

President J. H. Shepard presided at the monthly meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club held at the Hotel Senator on December 21. He announced that the board of directors will arrange good programs for all meetings during the year, and that the board has set aside the sum of $50.00 to provide for an attendance prize each meeting.

The monthly meeting of the Central California Lumbermen's Club was held at Stockton on January 14, President George E. Ground presiding. Frank Bevan, Pacific Gas & Electric Co.. San Francisco. was the speaker of the dav.

McElroy-Cheim at Centerville and

Lumber Co., San Jose, has opened yards East San Tose.

M. L. Doane has started the M. L. Doane Lumber Co. at San Jose. Mr. Doane has been associated with the retail lumber business in San Tose for a number of vears.

San Diego Lumber Co., new shed of Mission type flooring and finish stock.

San Diego, has constructed a which they will use for their

The Barr Lumber Company held a Christmas tree party for all employees, and their families at its Santa Ana yard on December 24. A large Christmas tree was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Presents of cash were distributed to employees and gifts were presented to all the employees' children.

Emanuel Fritz, wood technologist for the California White and Sugar Pine Association, and rvho has been representing the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau Alta District in the ."*. ""p""ity, has resumed his professorship at the School of Forestry. University of California.

L. A. Beckstrom has been appointed sales manager for the L. W. Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles.

Let Us Quote You Q1"'

The fortieth anniversary of the founding of the Pioneer Paper Company of Los Angeles was observed by a meeting of the executives and all employees at the Los Angeles plant.

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