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\(/ood Front and Bowed Vindows Beautify Store

-Courtesy West Coqst Lumberrnen': Associcttion

This new lront ol the L. Anderson d Son Grocery, Concord, Maaa.,'is c line excmple ol modern crchilecturql wood use, tor becuty with economy, in busfurlss buil dings. This store is located in c building erected in 1828, in c neighborhood thct retqins lhe Concord coloiicl lrqdition.

Harry B. Littte, trrchitect, Concord, Mqss., has designed mtrny lcrrge buildings jn Concord, but the Weet Cocrst Lutnbermen'g Aggocialion ig inlormed that tnis modest store-lront deaign hos brought him more cornplimenls, lrom cll over the country, thcn cny ol his work to dqte. ilote ibe sirlp oI old wood building, with the o rerhung gecond atory, next door to the Anderson Grocery.

Vacationing In Death Valley

M. A. Ilarris, president of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, is on a vacation trip to Furnace Creek Inn, Death Valley. He is accompanied by Mrs' Harris.

Back On Road

L. E. Grirnes, IJnion Lumber Company, is spending part o{ his time traveling the Sacramento Valley and part time at the company's Mendocino mill.

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