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Sash Doors lltllworlt
ctuF0Rilt BUlulERs suPPtY G0.
700 6th Avenue, Oakland Hlgate 6016
Kenneth J. Shipp A. D. Villiemron
Postpone Effective Date Of Truck Rates
The effective date of the order of the Railroad Commission of the State of California-Decision No. 30404-putting into effect the rates for the transportation of lumber and forest products by radial highway common carriers, highway contract carriers and highlvay common carriers, hai been postponed from January 27, 1938, to a date in March, 1938, to be announced later.
Counties Given Forest Service Funds
The collective coffers for schools and roads in many California counties werc$177,6& richer after the United States Forest Service handed over that amount to the State Treasury for disbursement to counties. This sum represented one-quarter of the total receipts collected by the California Region of the Forest Service during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937. By act of Congress the Forest Service turns over 25 per cent of all forest receipts for the maintenance of county schools and roads located in the 18 national forests of the State. This money is then apportioned by the State Treasurer to the designated counties. Forest receipts rvhich came from 19 million acres of national forest land in
Philippine Mahogany - Philippine Hardwood
Los Angeles, Calif.
California showed an increase of more than 30 per cent over the returns of the 1936 fiscal year.
The State of Nevada likewise received a share of the 25 per cent fund. Parts of four national forests of the California Region, containing a total of over one half million acres of land in southwestern Nevada, contributed $2,88O to county schools and roads in that portion of the State.
Appointed General Manager
A. C. Ahrens, who was sales manager for several {or the Clover Valley Lumber Company, Loyalton, has been appointed general manager, succeeding Terwilliger, who has resigned.
G. W. Akerman has been made sales manager.
Attends Denver Convention
years Calif., C. D.
Al Nolan, Western sales manager of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francsico, who is on a business trip to Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado, attended the annual convention of the Mountain States Lumber Dealers' Association, held in Denver, January 24 to 26. He is expected back in San Francisco about February 10.
When You Sell
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your cugtomers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.