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Rate---$z.SO Per Column Inch. Ad One-Half Inch.
Experienced Lumberman
Young, married, thoroughly capable and aggressive lumberman desires connection with manufacturer, wholesaler or retail line yard concern. Experience includes West Coast and California sawmill, eight years manufacturer's representative in East, and five years retail selling, buying and office experience. Addrcss Box C-?01, California Lumber Merchant.
An experienced man who has been for 18 years in Southern California, can furnish the best of references, desires a position. Can qualify as yard manager, assistant, bookkeeper, estimator, also has a knowledge of general office work, and sastr, door, and interior mill-work Address Box C-702, California Lumber Merchant.
L. A. Indurtrial Conrtruction Outloolc
For Lease
\lt/arehouse suitable for lumber storage or building material business. 80xl35 feet, with 20-foot head clearance, Santa Fe Railway trackage, equipped with office space and lS-ton unloading elecric hoist. Will lease for five yoars. Roy E. Harrington, 1109 Main Street, Venice, Calif. Phone Santa Monica 64993.
Lumberman experienced in lumber, hardware and building material business open for a pocition. Southcrn Cali, fornia experience. Willing worker. Good references. Address Box C-70O, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
Lumber yards for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., geles. Telephone PRospect E746.
Lumber Los An-
California Home \(/inc Firgt Prize in Good for 1938 Smrll Homec Competition for \(/egt
Prospects are bright for expansion of industrial construction activity in Los Angeles for 1938, according to a report recently compiled by R. A. Rowan & Co., realty brokers, based on a study of building permit records as far back as 1919 and by close contacts with general manufacturing and industrial developments.
The report states:
"Since 1919, Los Angeles has seen construction of 6988 industrial buildings, factories, airport buildings, warehouses, wharves, motion picture studio buildings, workshops, power and light, public works and utilities structures, totaling building cost of $96,836,961.
"The 1937 record for such classification of construction lists 359 individual building permits, with a total valuation of $3,588,851, the second largest total in the past seven years.
"Recession of industrial construction activity started in 1930, and continued until 1935 when 212 industrial building permits, valued at $3,796,125, were issued. In 1936. the total was 330 permits with a value of $3,362,453."
Analysis of the 1937 industrial building record shows the largest volume of warehouse construction in ten years, 116 permits valued at $1,139,249; the greatest volume of factory building in the past four years, fifty-six permits, valued at $668,86O; more permits and more money spent for miscellaneous industrial structures than in any preceding year since 1929, 91 permits valued at 94O4,601; the largest volume of workshop construction in eight years, sixty-one permits valued at $253,565; and more than 9500,000 spent for individual motion picture studio buildings and utility structures.
The winning house in House Beautiful's loth annual small homes competition for the West was the home of William H. Lowe, Woodside, Calif., designed by Gardner A. Dailey, San Francisco architect. For the exterior walls Mr. Dailey specified flush resawn California Redwood on braced Douglas Fir frame. The walls are finished with oyster white cement paint. All interior wood trim is surfaced Redwood and all doors are made of vertical grained Douglas Fir and set flush.
Four points guided the judges in their selection of the prize winners: 1, Excellence of design; 2, Economy in space and convenience of ,plan; 3, Adaptation of the house to lot and its orientation; 4, Skill in the use of materials.
The plan of the house, an inverted T of eight rooms, admirably separates service portion, living rooms and bed rboms, quotes the House Beautiful judges. For the sane modernity of its design, the logical livability of its plan, for superb use of simple materials and the ingenious contributions to family comfort, this house won the jury's unanimous approval.
Second prize in the West went to a wood frame house with an exterior finish of cement plaster, coated oyster rvhite. Third prize was won by a wood frame, brick veneer.
Wood construction's second prize winning house in the eastern group was the early American design of Jerome Baily Foster for Loring P. Gleason at Winchester, Mass.
California Visitor
G. A. (Arch) Kingsley of Kingsley Lumber Co., Linnton, Ore., was recently in San Francisco and Los Angeles on business. He left his family at Solvang for the remainder of the winter.