5 minute read
Lawrenc€-Philips Lurnber Go.
Prompt Shipments by Wcrter or Rail
Irumber Plywood Fir Doors Shingles
Lawrence-Philips Steanrship Go.
Coast lumber and of West Coast lumber grade-marks have been distinctly raised during the past year.
"fn the second place, we are constantly adjusting our product to modern building requirements-so as to maintain a steady flow of West Coast lumber into use. In some cases, we better our grades; in many others, we get the specifier to lower his requirements. The objective is to find a reasonable meeting ground between the lumber manufacturer and the customer. Ifence, last summer, we satisfied the FHA by personal work on the ground that it is unnecessary to impose any drastic moisture content requirements for lumber framing in the three Pacific Coast States. We convinced the FHA that Douglas fir was not getting a fair break in Florida; and they have substantially corrected it.
"On the gther hand, recognizing the predominance of FHA specifications in residential building, our Grading Rules Committee has now adopted a 900 pound stress grade of Douglas fir joists and rafters, 95 per cent of our present No. 2 Dimension. This is the result of months of work with the Forest Products Laboratory and FHA representatives. It is a case of fitting our product to the more technical specifications of the present time. Someone has got to do this for the industry, or lumber will lose out. It is one of the most fundamental services of the Association.
"There are countless other policies and activities of our Association which are vitally important but which time will not permit touching on.
"The work and standing of the West Coast Lumber- men's Association has immeasurably increased during the past ten years until today it represents 73 per cent of the entire fir industry.
"I wish to take this opportunity of expressing our appreciation to Colonel Greeley and his stafi for their conscientious and never failing efforts to carry into eifect the policies which we formulate. Our Association today is in no small measure a monument to them."
John L. Todd of Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland. and Mrs. Todd left January fr Lor Tucson, Ariz. to spend two months' vacation,
Mr. Todd has made this trip every year for a number of years, and while he goes in for a variety of types of recreation he specializes on golf and usually clips a few strokes off his average.
Asked by a representative of this paper wbat he thought about the prospects for business in 194O, he said he didn't like to do any predicting but that personally he hoped business will be such that the boys would send in lots of orders while he is away.
Lumber Firm Changes Name
Tri City Lumber, Company, 625 Camino Real, Hermosa Beach, dissolved as a corporation at the end of its fiscal year 1939, and will continue its business under the name of Learned Lumber Company, a partnership under the same manageme.nt and at the same address.
New Fir Plywood Plant Operating
Anacortes Veneer,' Inc. manufacturers of Douglas Fir plywood, recently started operation of their new plant at Anacortes, Wash. H. A. LaPlant is manager. The officers of the company are H. G. Wilson, president; Lyman R. Verhoeff, vice-president, and Theodore Newell, secretarytreasurer. All of the employees are stockholders in the corporation.
The company is a member of the Douglas Fir Plywood Association. Anacortes Plywood Sales Corporation, Anacortes, Wash., F. L. Johnson, president, is handling the sales. The products will be sold under the trade name "Armorbord."
East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club
George Wood, superintendent of Peralta Hospital, Oakland, showed his technicolor film "Behind the Scenes in a Modern Hospital," at the regular dinner meeting of HooHoo Club No. 39, held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on Monday evening, January 22. The speaker was introduced by entertainment committee chairman H. "Abe" Lincoln'
Don Coveney, chairman of the Christmas Good Fellowship Fund, gave his report showing that DI "Shares of Happiness" had been subscribed for a total of $437.0O.
President Jim Overcast presided and announced that the eighth annual Reveille of Northern California lumbermen will be held in Oakland on April 12 and. 13, and that Henry M. Hink will be general chairman.
E. S. McBride of Davis, Calif., Vicegerent Snark for Sacramento Valley district, invited members of Club No. 39 to attend the Concatenation to be held in Sacramento on February 10.
New Pabco Roofing Product
Life of certain roofs will be doubled as a result of the invention of a new roofing, according to claims made by the patentees, the Industrial Research Laboratories, Technical Division of The Paraffine Cos., Inc. The new product is Alumi-Shield Roofing, a prepared asphalt roll roofing surf'aced with metallic aluminum.
Years of added service is expected of Alumi-Shield roofing because of its reflective properties. This also gives a plus-value in insulation. The product is the most revolutionary development in the roofing industry in a quarter century, in the opinion of the Industrial Research Laboratories.
A study of the performance of aluminum finishes applied to metals and other surfaces in commercial use convinced Pabco engineers that the reaction of aluminum to intense sunlight and oxidization presented the final step in combatting destructive elements.
Construction of Pabco Alumi-Shield roofing is based on the principles:
1. Asphalt is a permanent substance so long as it is protected from the light of the sun and the oxidizing effects of the atmosphere.
2. Aluminum is impenetrable to light and oxygen.
3. Aluminum will not tarnish when exposed to the air.
John Connolly, Tonopah, Nevada,
Newg Flasheg
owner of the Verdi Lumber Company, was a recent San Francisco visitor.
Guy Smith, Rockport Redrvood a business trip to New York. Co.. San Francisco, is on
Mel Hirsch, Dolan Building Materials Co., Sacramento, spent a feu' days in Los Angeles last month.
J. Harold Peterson, San Diego, was a Los
Peterson Lumber & Finance Co., Angeles visitor on Janaary 26.
Worthing Timber Products, Ltd. Santa Monica, California, has moved mas, Los Angeles.
Inc., formerly at to 853 N. Las Pal-
J. B. Burn, planing mill operator and retail lumberman, has moved ro 4871 San Fernando Road, Los Angeles. He was formerly at 1619 South Alameda Street.
Charles Putman of Colonial San Francisco early last week
I. Cheim, of the Calif., was recently business.
Cedar Co., Seattle, was on Dusrness.
Lumber Company, Marysville, Francisco for a few days on ln Union in San of Wheeler Osgood Sales San Francisco office Tan-
T. F. Eckstrom, general manager of Pacific Mutual Door Co. was a recent business visitor to San Francisco and to his company's branch warehouse in Los Angeles.
R. W. "Jack" Dalton of Los Angeles, California sales representative of West Coast Plywood Co., Aberdeen, Wash., rvas in San Francisco last rveek on a business trip.
George Evans, Evans-MacArthur Co., New York City, spent the week of January 15 in Los Angeles. He represents E. J. Stanton & Son and Pacific Wood Products Corporation in the New York territory. He stopped off at Sah Francisco for a few days while enroute to the Northwest.
O. L. Russum, with Shepard & Morse Lumber Co., Boston, now visiting the Pacific Coast, was in San Francisco recently calling on old friends. Hq was a salesman for Charles R. McCormick Lumber Co., in the 1920's, when he covered the Sacramento Vallev territory.
George Meissner, president of Valley Lumber Co. of I-odi, Lodi. Calif., accompanied by Mrs. Meissner, left January 27 f.or Tucson, Ariz. for a month's vacation. Mr. Nleissner took his golf equipment with him and expects to get in a good deal of practice on Tucson courses.
D. J. Young, general manager Corp., Tacoma, visited his firm's uarv 17.