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Shingle Bureau Holds Annual Meeting

With a record-breaking year of hind them, over 20O Northwest production in 1939 beshingle manufacturers, and laid plans for a nelv year and a new decade of building.

Four outstanding speakers from far-flung sections of the United States attended the meeting, told the assembled lumbermen that the future portends much for the building trades, and complimented the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau on its outstanding promotional work in the past.

Speakers at the conclave included Roger S. Finkbine of Des Moines, president of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, C. A. Pickett of Houston, secretary of the Lumbermens Association of Texas, Earl E. LeValley of Bellingham, president of the Western Retail Lumbermens Association, and D. M. Botsford of San Francisco, preside.nt of the Botsford, Constantine and Gardner advertising agency.

The following officers lvere re-elected by the trustees: R. M. I,ngram, Aberdeen, Wash., presiclent; paul R. Smith, Seattle, Wash., first vice-president; Charles plant, Vancouver, B.C., second vice-president; W. W. Woodbridge, Seattle, Wash., manager.

A resolution was passed expressing to the various lumber trade papers its sincere thanks for their continued sup_ port and cooperation during the past year.

Xoone Reyen3iili Cross Circulation Ktlns

21/o to )O/o notc capacity due to solid edge-to-edge stackrng, Bcttrr quality drying on lor tcmpcraturcc with e fast rcvcnibrc circulation.

Lowcr rtacking corts-jusl solid edge-to-edge stacking in the slmple3t torm,





Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.


General Sales Oftce: Eugene, Ore. Mills: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore.

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