2 minute read
SKI BI,ANKS Selected Hickory
of Write For Prices
lssues New \(/all Chart for Dealers
Macklanburg - Duncan Company, Oklahoma City, C)kla., manufacturers of Nu-Art Mouldings and Trim, announce completion of a new wall chart for dealers which shows a drawing of each of their 300 mouldings, binding, edging and nosing shapes with each one pictured in end view actual size and detail. Chart also has attached to it, actual samples of the four metals Alacrome, Stainless Steel, Brass and Chromium Plated Brass in which the shapes may be obtained. According to the manufacturers, this chart provides dealers with a convenient, easy method of showing customers the most practical shape (and the metal in which it is furnished) for any requirement. Back of chart shows pictures of many installations of moulding and trim, and gives detailed information as to metals in which shapes are obtainable, stock le.ngths, size and uses of all items. Dealers may obtain this chart, without charge, from Macklanburg-Duncan Co., Oklahoma City, Okla.
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Appointed Mid-West Representative
Announcement of the appointment of J. F. Parker, veteran Northwest shingle inspection executive, as Mid-West representative of the Pacific Coast Shingle Inspection Bureau, was made recently by W. M. Williams, presidenf.
Mr. Parker will have charge of Red Cedar shingle promotion and fire ordinance work for the Bureau in the Central area, with offices in Chicago. He was formerly on the field staft of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau.
The Central Valley Hoo-Hoo Club held a dinner meeting at the Divine Gardens, Turlock, Monday evening, lanuary D. James McCormick was the speaker of the evening. There was a large attendance.
Cor. Third tmd Spring Streets
Los Angeles tf you cne thiatring ol ertcblirhiag cl office irr Los Angeles we would welcone the oppodunity oI ehowing you sPace qvail' cble ln tbc Douglcr Buildiag. Bentql rcrtee cre req:oncble. Tbe tocation bct cdvcntcgea. Pcrking spcce is close ond relctively cbeap.
Western Pine Lumber Inspectors Hold Grade Meetins
Spokane, Washington, January 1l-Western Pine Association lumber inspectors, representing more than 25 years of pine experience per man (12 years of which were in the service of the Association), got together in this city during the first week of January for a thorough discussion of pine lumber grades. These meetings serve to emphasize the importance attracted to grading by the Western pine industry to insure close and uniformly graded shipments from member mills.
To reduce even the minor variations of grade inspection due to individual differences of interpretation of the standard grading rules, these helpful discussions among the inspectors are further aided in the Western pine region by the practice of rotating inspectors in their calls on the mills, and in returning to mill duty, every four months, the men on eastern assignments, who handle reinspections and grademarking in consuming territories.
The inspectors shown in the picture (from left to right) are: A. O. Lund, Chief Inspector Vern Johnson, Ray Ballantyne, Thomas A. Sandoe, C. A. Luce, A. E. Johnson, J. W. Stewart, Irving Dunn, August Lindstrom, Reed Pierce, Lee Moffett and Nelson Cole.

Rebuilding Roofing Plant
Work started on the rebuilding of the Lloyd A. Fry Roofing Co. plant at Compton, Calif., on January 15. T6e original structures that housed the company were destroyed by fire on November 20. Myers Bros. of Los Angeles are the contractors. Manager Harry J. Graham states that the new plant will be modern in every respect.
New Partnership In Dos Palos
Bob Hume, formerly in the electrical appliance business in Dos Palos, Calif., recently merged his business in a copartnership with Edward Eggleston. They are now operating as the Dos Palos Lumber Co.