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Happy 1940 Decade?

Happy 1940 Decade?


16 Calilomic Streel Scur Frrmcisco Telephone GArlield 6881




Eustace John Twohy, aBe 87, ol Los Angeles, died January 2l at the Monte Sano Hospital as the result of having been struck down by an automobile a few days before. He was born in Toronto, Canada and had been a resident of California for thirty-four years. He followed railroading all his life, retiring eight years ago. He was a Mason and last October was presented with a So-year gold button by his lodge.

Mr. Twohy, the first of his people to leave the sea, was descended on both sides of his family from a long line of British sea captains in both the mercantile marine and the Royal Navy.

, On his seventy-fifth birthday he made a trip to Europe, particularly to visit the English and Scottish branches of his family, among them being his cousin, Sir William Norman, Vice Admiral of the RoYal NavY.

Mr. Twohy had the distinction, rare even in the old days, of having sailed around the world as a passenger in sailing ships.

He is survived by two sons, Arthur E. Twohy, Twohy Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and Charles G. Twohy of Riverside. His wife, a sister of E. A. Blocklinger of the Chilq quin Lumber Co. and of the late Rear Admiral G. Blocklinger, died a few years ago.


Harry C. Wood, former Los Angeles lumberman, passed away suddenly on December 18 at his home in Glide, Oregon, following a heart attack.

He had been with the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. for fourteen years, starting to work for them at their San Pedro yard, later becoming superintendent of the Los Angeles yard, and then in charge of the Pine departme.nt. Four years ago he resigned his position to take up ranching at Glide, Oregon. Mr. Wood was well known in Southern California lumber circles u,ihere he had many f riends. He was a veteran of the World War.

He is survived by his widow and a brother. Funeral services were held in Portland, Oregon, December 19.


Edwin Joseph Grant, president of the Algoma Lumber Co., passed away at his home in Beverly Hills, Calif., January 16, following a short illness. lle was 61 years of age.

Mr. Grant was a native of Pennsylvania and was associated with the Algoma Lumber Company for about thirty years. He rvas president of the company since 1930, and prior to that rvas secretary.

He is survived by his widow, Helen E. Grant; five sons, Frank, Joseph, Michael, Robert and Peter Grant; a sister, Mrs. Kate Pohl, and a brother, Dennison W. Grant.

Funeral services were held from the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, January t9.

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