4 minute read
"Colif. Ponel" is the oldest exclusive Plywood Distributor in the \ifest cnrd is constqntly growing. Such progress ccrn only be mode possible through our policy of ccrrying a well diversified stock crnd rendering on intelligent crnd economicql service to our mcmy Deoler ctrstomers. Our quolity ond service qre "tops" cmd our prices ore competitive. For profits ond reql sqtislqction cqll "Cqlif. Pcrrel" whenever you need plywood.
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Mtilbg,,l&ttt: P. O. 8o:96, Arcedc Sreticr IS ANGEIIS.CAUFORNTA
Time To Speak Out Loud
I am aware that many object to the severity of my language; but is there not cause for severity? I will be as harsh as Truth, and as uncompromising as Justice. On this subject, I do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation. No ! No ! Tell a man whose house is on nrf to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue hil wife from the hands of the ravisher; tell the mother I q [radually extricate her babe from the fire into which it ha\lkalen-but urge me not to use moderation in a cause like the present. I am in earnest-I will not equivocateI will not excuse-I will not retreat a single inch-and I will be heard. The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and hasten the resurrection of the dead.-William Lloyd Garrison.
Where Mother Belongs
Lady Politician: "What is home without a mother?"
Male Voice in Audience: "Your baby."
Sheep Barbers On Relief
In days of old when nights were cold, It took two feeces frorn the fold
To dress a lady fair.
But in these days ot jazz and bob, A little silkworm does the job With time galore to spare.
Doing The Unusual
The man who does the usual thing in the usual way is \ buried in a milling herd of humanity. Nothing so lessens competition as originality of endeavor.-Preston M. Nolan.
The noblest kind of a dog is a hot-dog, for it not only don't bite the hand that feeds it; it feeds the hand that bites it.
Forward Or Backward
He who is silent is forgotten; he who abstains is taken at his word; he who does not advance, falls back; he who stops is overwhelmed, distanced, crushed; he who ceases to grow greater becomes smaller; he who leaves off, gives up; ttre stationary condition is the beginning of the end.
Tomorrow Holds No Doubt For Me
I've shut the door on yesterday, its sorrows and mistakes, I've locked within its gloomy walls past failures and heartaches. And now f lnroffre key away to seek another room, and furnish td lyf,h hope and smiles and every spring-time bloom. Nolfsfrt shall enter this abode that has a hint of pain, and n{ther malice nor distrust shall ever therein reign. I've shut the door on yesterday and trhrown away the key, tomorrow holds no doubt for me since I have found today.
You Guess
"My instructor told me I rode as if I were part of the horse."
"Did he tell you which part?"
Delayed Steal
Mose: "Boy, whare'd you get dat big razor cut on yo' cheek?"
Sam: "Ah done got dat when ah kissed de bride."
Mose: "But ain't dat de customary thing ter do?"
Sam: "Yeah, but not two mont's after de qreddin'."
Under Cover
O, singing bird upon your tree, Your song, your lovely song Is just a trifle over gay, A trifle over strong.
Do you, like me, hold something sad Against your troubled breast, And would you cover it with noise
As I would mine with jest?
-Buena Sowell.
A man's value lies in his ability to think individually and act collectively.-Elbert Hubbard.
Saving The Specs
A Scotsman was leaving on a business trip and he called back as he was going out the door: "Goodbye all, and dinna forget to tak' little Donal's glasses off when he isn't looHng at anything."
Will Carry l7arehouse Stocks of Doors and Plywood
Henry McCleary Timber Company, McCleary, 'Wash., one of the largest and oldest manufacturers of Fir doors and plywood ,in the Pacific Northwest, have announced the appointment of the South Sound Lumber Sales, Inc., as their exclusive representative in the Southern California market effective February l, lg4c..
South Sound Lumber Sales, Inc., have taken over a large rnodern warehouse at 161O East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, where they will carry a well assorted stock of standard items in Fir doors and plywood for the convenience of their customers,. and prompt service will also be available for straight carlot orders. The Los Angeles office, formerly in the W. M. Garland Bldg., will be moved to the warehouse on February l-the telephone number is PRospect 6183.
South Sound Lumber Sales, Inc., will continue to handle cargo shipments of Fir lumber and Red Cedar shingles into this market. George S. Melville is Southern California representative, and E. L. Nelson is outside salesman. The head offices of the company are in Seattle, Wash.
Lumber Industry Has Fine Display at Oakland Housing Show
One of the outstanding exhibits at the Oakland Housing Exposition, held January N to 28, was the lumber industry exhibit arranged by Wood Products, Inc., and sponsored by the following: Atkinson Mill & Mfg. Co., Oakland; Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland; Califor,nia Redwood Association, San Francisco; Clinton Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland; Hogan Lumber Co., Oakland; La'nnom Bros. Mfg. Co., Oakland; Lincoln Lumber Inc., Oakland; Loop Lumber & Mill Co., Alameda; Matheny Sash & Door Co., Oakland; Oakland Lumber Co., Oakland; Paramount Built-in-Fixture Co., Oakland; Oakland Planing Mill, Oakland; Peerless Built-in-Fixture Co., Berkeley; Piedmont Mill & Lumber Co., Piedmont; San Leandro Mill & Lumber Co., San Leandro; Scammell Lumber Co., Oakland; Smith Lumber Co., Oakland; Tilden Lumber Co.. Berkeley; Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland; Western Pine Association, Portland; E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Oakland; Wood Products, Inc., Oakland; Zenith Mill & Lumber Co.. Oakland.