2 minute read
Air Medal Awarded to James Russell Carlson
Mrs. Edna Carlson, wife of Earl A. Carlson, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, has been informed by the Adjutant General's Office of the War Department, that by direction of the President. the Air Medal has been awarded to their son, James Russell Carlson, Private First Class in the Air Corps, reported missing in January, 1944.
Mrs. Carlson was informed that the Air Medal will be forwarded to the Commanding General, Ninth Service Command, Fort Douglas, {Jtah, who will select an officer to make the presentation to her personally=
The citation is as follows:
"For meritorious achievement by participating in more than one hundred and fifty hours of operational flight in transport aircraft, as aerial radio operator front 29 July, 1943, to 1O November, 1943, over the dangerous and difficult Assam-China air routes, where enemy interception and attack was probable and expected. Flying at night as well as by day, at high altitudes over impassable, mountainous terrain through areas characterized by extremely treacherous weather conditions necessitating long periods of operation on instruments, often encountering severe icing conditions and mechanical difficulties requiring courageous and superior performance of his rgspective duties to overcome, he accomplished his missions with distinction. His achievement in the hazards and difficulties faced regularly and continuously with steadfast devotion to duty reflects much credit on himself and the Army Air Forces of the United States."
Eric Hexberg Home On Lecve
Lieutenant Eric Hexberg, Army Air Force, returned recently on a Zl-day leave to his home in Los Angeles after spending almost a year in China and completing 25 missions there wit hthe Air Force.
He gave an informal talk at the meeting of Lumbermen's Post No.,403, American Legion, January 10, on his experiences in China.
He has reported to the Santa Monica Redistribution Sta' tion for reassignment to duty in the United States.
Lieut. Hexberg was formerly sales manager of Anglo California Lumber Co., Los Angeles.
Direction 6 to Order L-335 Amended
Direction 6 to Order L-335 as amended requires a distributor in placing an order with any hardwood mill whicir currently manufactures 5,000 or more board feet of hardwood lumber per average day of eight hours to furnish an additional certificate to that certificate required by Order L-335 when that distributor is purchasing any grade o{ hardwood lumber of No. 1 common and better in white oak, red oak, birch, beech, pecan, rock elm, hard maple, and tough white ash.
The dealer must furnish the authorization he secures through Form WPB-3640 for a Class 1 Consumer and mttst also use the certification provided for in paragraph (e) of the amended Direction 6.
Under Direction 6, consumers are required to furnish the f,rllowing in all cases: (1) Quantity of restricted species and grades needed; (2) Use {orivhich the lumber is needed; (3) If used on military contract, the number of such contract; (4) Name of military contracting oftice, if known.
Los Angeles Visitor
James Schultz, of Fresno, was a recent Los Angeles visitor and he called on some of his old-time lumber friends. Mr. S,chultz opened the E. K. Wood Lumber Company's yard at Los Angeles in 1899 and was its first manager. He also opened the company's yard at San Pedro in 1900. He rvas with the E. K. Wood organization until 1908, when he started the James Schultz Lumber Co. in Los Angeles. Retiring fiom the lumber business in 1915, he bought a ranch at Fresno where he now resides.
Frcnk Connolly Back From Ecrst
Frank J. Connolly, president, Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, returned from Washington, D. C., and New York, January 23.
While in the East he attended a meeting on January 19 at Cincinnati of the directors of the National Wholesale Lumber Distributing Yard Association, of which he is vice-president. The meeting was also attended by War Production Board officials from Washington, and repre' sentatives of the Navy Lumber Coordinating Unit.
These same officials will attend a meeting of the members of the Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Distributors Association to be held in San Francisco. Februarv 13.