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TACOilIA LU[[B$R $ffiN$
714W. Olympic Blvd. tOS ANGELES 15, CAIIF.
Telephone PRospect ll08
St. Paul d Tacoma Lumber Co. Tccomcr, Wqsh.
Deliance Lumber Compcny Tccomd, Wcrsh.
Dicloncn Lumber Compcrny ' Tacomcr, Wash.
Kcrlen-Davirs Compcrny Tccomcr, Wcrsh.
Hcrt Mill Compcny Rcymond, Wqsh.
Vcrncouver Plywood & Veneer Co. Vcncouver, Wash.
Tccomcr Hcrbor Lumber d Timber Co. Tcrcomc, Wcsh.
Fernnol Jr,le.t
Larry White, formerly with Tom Hamby Lumber Co., Soledad, Calif., is now manager of the South First Street yard of Cheim Lumber Co., San Jose, Calif.
Brice M. Stokes, cisco, is making a Northern California
Stokes-Steele Lumber Co., San Fran' trip around the pine and fir mills of and Southern Oregon.
Dale Fischer, sales manager, Fischer Lumber Co., Marcola, Ore., was in San Francisco recently en [u5ins55 for his firm.
Cpl. James J. Carroll has received an honorable discharge from the U. S. Air Force and has returned to his job at U. S. Plywood, fnc., Los Angeles.
Mace Tobin, sales manager of the Willamette Valley Lumber Co., Dallas, Ore., and Mrs. Tobin, were recent Los Angeles and Palm Springs visitors. Mr. Tobin has returned to the Northwest but Mrs. Tobin is remaining at the desert resort for a short stay.
Neal Tebb, sales manager, Pacific Lumber Agency, Sumner, Wash., recently spent two weeks in Southern California.
Los Angeles Firm Mckes New Type Incinerctor
Acme Blower and Pipe Co,, 12@ Nadeau Street, Los Angeles, established in 1932, manufactures and installs blower systems for woodworking plants, planing mills and other industrial plants. They make a specialty of the Acme Incinerator with water washed top. This method increases the draft and burning capacity, and at the same time eliminates the nuisance of half-burned sawdust and dust being carried on the breeze to the nextdoor neighbor.
E. W. Lowther, president of Acme Blower and Pipe Co., has had long experience in this business. He started with a Seattle concern in 1920, and has been in the business in Los Angeles 21 years.
Mr. Lowther was raised in Eureka, Humboldt County, in the Redwood Empire. It is interesting to note that his father, W. T. Lowther, was head sawyer for the Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co. in Eureka for 45 years.